Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.
You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I waited a year to comment to see how it really worked out for me.
It has been a great success and solved some problems for me. One is that I work in a factory with mainly men, and very poor facilities for women. It is a great relief not to have to retrieve sanitary products from a locker room miles from the only ladies loo.

Now I don’t give it a thought at work as I can do everything at home. The 8 hour shift is no problem.

I spend the rest of the year sailing. Not having a disposal problem has been wonderful. washing and occasional boiling was easy.

There are unexpected bonuses too. When sailing I am swimming several times a day which was not great with tampons. Soggy string seemed to cause constant low level infections. Horrid but true, especially in hot climates.

I have not had any problems at all once I got the hang of it.

Jean – 14th July 2012

I purchased my Mooncup recently and I already adore it.
During my period I suffer from stomach pains, bloating and bowel problems. I had been using tampons for a number of years and had this horrible dry sensation inside. I also felt as though it was a bizarre foreign body inside of me that I never quite got used to. Plus, I was spending so much money every month on the various sizes. I saw some tampons on the shelf a couple of months ago and they were perfumed. I thought it was disgusting that women were being made to feel that their period is some kind of unnatural, dirty thing. I immediately bought a Mooncup and haven’t looked back!

My stomach cramps have somehow decreased, I no longer feel all dry and irritated inside and I feel totally comfortable wearing a Mooncup and more “at one” with my body.

I really recommend buying a Mooncup. I have found it so much better than sanitary towels and tampons. Also it’s better for the environment and so much cheaper!

Selina – 07th July 2012

I’ve contemplated buying one of these for years, and now I finally have, I wish I’d bought it years ago. It is absolutely brilliant! I’ve gone through 3 periods so far and the only leak I’ve had is when I didn’t quite seal it right! It’s even been abroad on holiday with me and wasn’t a Faff at all. You just get into a routine with it. I’m going camping in a few weeks and even though I’d originally thought about taking tampons with me, I’m not going to bother. It’s mooncup all the way from now on with those horrible, uncomfortable tampons nowhere to be seen! Can’t say I miss the leaking or the discomfort! Thanks for a fantastic innovation!

KH – 03rd July 2012

I can’t believe how pleased I am with the mooncup – now I’ve given myself a few days to get used to inserting etc.
There is no leakage, I need to empty it once in the morning and once at night because it’s just no where near full.

I’ve not had cramps since I started using the mooncup, and I’m not dry like I used to be and importantly sex with my husband doesn’t hurt after a period anymore.

Anyway, I want to tell everyone about them because I can’t believe no-one knows! I wish I’d known when I was a teenager! and whilst I’m at the wishing fountain – I wish that some rich person would sponser an advertising campaign on tv so you could compete with tampons and towels (two useless inventions in comparrison that women have to use each month).

I think I know what I’ll be buying everyone for Christmas!

Laura – 27th June 2012

I bought my mooncup a few years ago and was too scared to try it! Argh! How I wish I had just been brave and done it! I used it towards the end of my last period and started using it again straight away this time round … it’s amazing! So comfy (obviously after I’d cut the stem – I had to get rid of it completely & after using the second method of insertion). The main thing I’m finding is the ease of it, I’m not drying out like with tampons (which I hadn’t noticed was a problem until I stopped using them) and I love that with my flow I only need to empty it once in the morning and once before bed!
Love it! Wish I’d started using it years ago, not for environmental reasons or for the cost reasons, just because it’s comfy and easier and somehow feels cleaner than tampons

A happy convert! 🙂

Newbie Mooncup User – 26th June 2012

I found a thread dedicated to the mooncup on a health forum I’m a member of, I read the thread from start to finish to gather an idea of people’s individual experiences. By the time I had reached page 49 I was sold and ordered one, I was told to expect a 14 working day wait for it’s arrival, instead it arrived in just four days, I didn’t have to pay p&p which in itself is a great bonus. I have now been able to put the mooncup to the test and boy have I put it through it’s paces. Tested against a heavy period, chronic crippling period pains, the use of an IUD and tampons which for me have generally worked. Today I strode past the feminine hygiene aisle, feeling so pleased I will no longer have to spend money on disposable sanitary items or add to the ever increasing landfill. The mooncup really is a too good to be true product that is actually true!! :)You only have to read a few of these fabulous testimonials to be sold. Absolutely thrilled with my mooncup and only sad that the mooncup idea didn’t get round to my lovely mother before the menopause hit, I’m actually pretty sure she’d like another period just to test it out herself. Fab, fab fab, thankyou ladies 🙂

Kelly – 24th June 2012

OKAY LADIES, whatever your reason for buying the mooncup is, I’m sure it’s great and all but never mind that, YOU CAN PUT A TOWEL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS AFTER A SHOWER AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN – LADIES YA’LL KNOW WHAT I’M TALKIN BOUT! HELL, YOU CAN DO THE MONKEY WITH YOUR TOWEL DOWN THERE! So if this does not convince you to buy a mooncup, you must be mental because WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO DANCE AROUND NAKED WITH A TOWEL BETWEEN THEIR LEGS?!? Anyway, you’ll have to excuse me, I’m gonna go and enjoy this outstanding mooncup feature one more time. Happy periods everyone :3

Chelsea, New Zealand – 23rd June 2012

I had heard of Moon Cup quite a while ago but had put it off for being a bit squeamish. Then this year my friend told me about a blog post in which A WOMAN FOUND MOULD ON HER TAMPON! I recommend googling the story.
Combined with the increased guilt of wastage and wanting to save money I decided to switch.
Now, I wouldn’t go back! My period pain has decreased. I always thought my dire pain and sickness was something to do with Tampon’s since as soon as I inserted a Tampon I’d be vomiting for the rest of the day. I had to go on the pill to sort it out and am admittedly still on the pill a little too afraid I’ll be having heavy and irregular periods again.
It’s a little difficult to get used to at first with some dire accidents but I persevered, I will not go back to achey, dry and scratchy periods again. I don’t even mind the tiny mess you inevitably encounter using this product because it’s worth it knowing my body and purse is better off and hopefully the planet too.
And I love the fact we can wear it when we know we’re going to be on that day and not having to rush back and forth to the toilet playing a guessing game. And I never have to worry about running out or carrying around extras.
I’m gently working on my friends with the effort of not wanting to drive them crazy over it.
Thank you Mooncup!

Siobhan – 21st June 2012

Having suffered from heavy periods for years, I was getting fed up with embarrassing leaks and cramping. I was offered a hormone coil but didn’t like the sound of it. I hate wearing towels as I have to wear bulky ones for my flow and as for tampons, the same problem. Even the highest absorbency ones would suddenly start leaking.
I love my Mooncup, I can forget I even have a period for a few hours and no more hunting down Extra Super sanitary protection!

Miranda – 19th June 2012

I get heavy and painful periods, and always manage to stain my underwear with pads and tampons, no matter how often I replace them. Periods for me were simply unmanageable.But since I bought the Mooncup, things have been a hell of a lot easier. I have been using it for a little over a year. It took me two or three periods to get the hang of inserting and removing properly, (I found that I was placing it too high so it leaked and I found it painful to remove because I wasn’t breaking the vacuum). However now that I have learned how to use it correctly, it never leaks and is never uncomfortable. I only change it three times a day, and if I don’t get to change it on time, it’s never a problem. It doesn’t leak. I can tell you it is more comfortable than a tampon. It isn’t dry like a tampon and although it is a lot larger and looks quite intimidating at first, it isn’t at big as it seems. If you are a teenager like me, you may think it won’t fit, but it sits at a wider part of your vagina than the muscles at the entrance. It is not too big. Once you get used to insertion and removal, it is not a problem. It works perfectly overnight for me too. When I bought it, I thought it seemed expensive for what it is, but for what it does, and for the money it will save you long term, it is more than worth it.
I admit, my reasons for purchasing it had nothing to do with lessening my impact on the environment, but it put’s a smile on my face to know that it does, and that I am actually more comfortable for it.

Joe-Anna (17) – 12th June 2012

I received my mooncup about a week ago, just in time for my period!!
I am so happy I decided to take the risk because it is so worth it!!! Today I gave to my sister all my tampons and told her I had quit 🙂 I LOVE MY MOONCUP SO MUCH!
I feel so much more confident and my vagina is so much happier…bye bye to the dryness or itchiness that even the 100% organic cotton products cause…Living in the tropics is not easy…it is very humid and hot and having to wear a pad is not comfortable, at all.
At first I was reluctant to buy because of the price and i was worried it wouldn’t work but, like I said, I took the chance and now i am very grateful. I even wore white pants today, I did yoga in the morning and everything went just perfect 🙂 I don’t have a really heavy flow so I only had to deal with it twice a day, 3 times on my heaviest day (only one day) and it was not even half way full! So next time it will be so much easier.
I am happy that this exists because I don’t have to worry about wearing a pad on my not so heavy days, when it is completely not worth it to wear a tampon because it will dry me out too much…
I am sorry if I am giving too much information but I will make sure I tell everyone about your product! It is something we, as women, deserve!

Much love and Blessings to all the Mooncup Team,

Pamela – 08th June 2012

Dear mooncup Company Just have to tell you that I am very exited and happy about the mooncup. Thank you very much for constructing such an intelligent, pracitical and confortable solution for womans period. Since the very first day I use it without any problem, asking myself why I had to become 37 to discover this gift. Somehow you changed my life- at least once per month 🙂 Thankfull greetings and wish you further succsess with mooncup – from switzerland.

Rachel – 08th June 2012

I am 14 and got my mooncup about six months ago because I hate pads and didn’t like my washable ones. I have very heavy periods which mean that I would leak through a pad in less than an hour so I had only had 3 periods when I tried my mooncup. The first time I used it I was surprised at how much blood there was and this resulted in a very embaressing murder scene in a school bathroom. However I now would never want to be without it and find it very convenient and wish that all teenage girls would try using a mooncup!

Claire – 05th June 2012

I love it. I have heavy periods but can’t bear to use a towel and was struggling with tampons causing me discomfort. The mooncup is east to insert and I can’t feel it at all, I did have to trim the stem tho. Would highly recommend it, it will save me loads of money in the future too.

Jane O – 04th June 2012

I love my new mooncup and wish I had used one from the beginning! It works even after four vaginal births! (and being a little lazy with pelvic floor exercises) no leaks no stained clothes no floods! When my eldest daughter starts to menstruate I really hope she will use one, I would suggest advertising if your company can afford it as I heard about them by chance
Thank you

Aileen – 31st May 2012

“Ich habe gerade die beste Periode meines Lebens! Ihr könnt Euch nicht vorstellen (oder vielleicht doch?) was das für ein historischer Moment ist: Die letzten 15 Jahre lang hatte ich riesige Probleme mit Bauchschmerzen und war weder mit Binden noch mit Tampons so richtig zufrieden… und dann bin ich irgendwann auf die Mooncup-Website gestoßen. Nach fünf Minuten Lesen habe ich die Bestellung abgeschickt und vor drei Tagen dann die Mooncup zum ersten Mal probiert. Zugegeben: Der erste Versuch war nicht gerade das, was ich mir vorgestellt hatte. Erst ging die Mooncup nicht rein – und dann nicht mehr raus. Eine Stunde lang saß ich (zunehmend verzweifelt) auf dem Badezimmerteppich und habe die Mooncup und all diese total begeisterten Erfahrungsberichte auf der Website verflucht. Und jetzt? Tja, zwei Tage später schicke ich Euch einen begeisterten Erfahrungsbericht!
Warum das Ganze so genial ist, erklärt sich glaube ich von selbst. Ich habe auch keine Ahnung, wie ich mir erklären soll, dass ich keine Regelschmerzen mehr habe – es ist einfach so. Vielleicht hat es damit zu tun, dass ich bisher nie etwas mit meiner Periode zu tun haben wollte. Und der Schmerz war so eine Art Erinnerung daran, dass ich eine Frau bin, auch wenn ich das oft einfach ignoriert habe. Jetzt wo ich anders damit umgehe hat der Schmerz seine Ursache verloren… und langsam aber sicher ahne ich, dass es womöglich eine wunderbare Sache ist, einmal im Monat seine Tage zu haben.”

Stephanie – 18th May 2012

I’ve only had mine for 3 months but can safely say I won’t be going back to tampons. I bought it after a beach clean up day when I discovered how many sanitary products were ending up on the beach and did a bit of research into the alternatives. I’m so glad there’s an alternative, and it makes me happy I’m not contributing to unnecessary landfill any more. But I’m so surprised there’s not much mainstream advertising of these.

Katie – 17th May 2012

The Mooncup is AMAZING! I can’t believe I didn’t try it earlier – all those awkward trips to the bathroom during school which the obvious tampon or pad held in my hand, the tell-tale rustling, the occasional leaks and having to stock all the different varieties and sizes, the problem of running out and having to go to the school nurse… I’ve had the Mooncup for 4 periods now and it’s been so great. The main issue for me before getting it was the public loos thing. I’m at University, so I share toilets in Halls with a lot of people, with the sink outside the toilet. But it’s fine! All you need to do is take a bottle of water to rinse it – or even just wipe with toilet paper, and rinse it later because it comes clean really easily. It’s not messy at ALL, and it so great just having one tiny thing rather than a whole variety of boxes of pads and tampons. My first reaction was one of disgust and surprise – but I’m so glad my curiosity got the better of me! If you’re wondering whether you should try it out – GO FOR IT! I can’t believe how much money I’m saving already too. If I’m low on cash (student budget) and I start my period, it’s always been, oh dear, there’s another few quid down the drain… Not any more! I’ve got finals coming up too, and with long 3 hour exams there’s NO chance of going to change your pad / tampon, so the mooncup has become really invaluable for me.
I never really realised how messy and smelly pads and tampons were until I switched to the Mooncup either. I will NEVER be going back – completely converted! Thank you Mooncup people! I’m trying to convert my younger sisters too, and it’s only the public loos thing that’s holding them back (both being away at University too). If this is the case with you – don’t worry! You don’t have to walk over to the public sink, mooncup in hand to empty it (as my sisters joked)! Just tip it into the toilet and give it a wipe – simple as. Go for it: what have you got to lose?

Ellen from Oxford – 17th May 2012

I got my first Mooncup about a year ago now, and I don’t know how I lasted so long without it! It makes having my period so much less of an issue. Although it’s true that it can be a bit messy when you’re in a public toilet, it isn’t THAT inconvenient – wash your hands and wipe it off with toilet paper, it is YOUR blood, after all! I had it on cycling holiday in France last year, and had to use it in toilets in camp sites, and it was just fine. 🙂 Overall, I ABSOLUTELY recommend it, and I’m so happy that people recommended it to me!

PJ – 13th May 2012

I used a mooncup for the first time last month and I was very pleased with the results. Only had a slight leak during the first two nights when very heavy but I am sure if I had woken up and emptied it in the night it would have been fine. I had a couple of initial worries when I wasn’t sure if it was inserted far enough inside, but after a couple of trial runs everything was brilliant. I can’t recommend it enough.

Maria – 11th May 2012

The best purchase I have ever made! I had mine in April 2009, and am still using the same one, so how much money has that saved me? loads. I have never had an accident, I find it comfortable and I haven’t had children. I haven’t had thrush since I have used it which I used to get a lot. I use the sterilising fluid after each use. It is fantastic.

TINA H – 09th May 2012

Last weekend, I stayed with some friends and totally forgot to pack my mooncup… Disaster! Of course my period arrived and I had to use tampons and towels again for the first time in over a year. It was AWFUL! I had forgotten how uncomfortable and horrible-feeling they were. It really made me appreciate my mooncup when I got home and could change over. The comfort and ease of the mooncup is bliss compared to the dryness and cramps caused by tampons and the leakage and dirty big-nappy feeling of towels. I’m definitely going to remember it in future, thank you mooncup!

Rachel – 09th May 2012

I’m 19 and a virgin, and heard about this randomly through a Facebook advert, and was blown away by the positive reviews. After a few months I decided to man up and buy one from Boots. I was not very comfortable with my body so I was a bit worried about putting it in and taking it out but with a bit of practice I got the hang of it very quickly. Yes, it’s slightly uncomfortable to take out, and takes slightly longer than just changing a pad or tampon, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. It’s eco-friendly, cheap (£20 investment for at least 5 years, and I’m a student so that’s brilliant!), almost completely reduces the pain, makes you feel so much cleaner, you don’t even notice it when it’s in. The only thing you have to watch out for is remembering to empty it, but even then it’s every 8 hours. I spent the first few days wearing a pad just in case it leaked but it was completely dry. It takes a few goes to make sure you have it in properly, but once you recognise how it works, it’s so simple. I couldn’t reccommend the Mooncup enough. It’s brilliant, and definitely improves your quality of life around your period. If you’re sceptical it’s at least worth a try. It’s not an expensive experiment. Also, it’s not weird or embarrassing – at least not more so than talking about pads or tampons! I’m trying to reccommend it to the women I know! You won’t regret it, believe me!

Ruth – 08th May 2012

It does what is suppose to do, holds everything in. I LOVE IT!! great investment…

laura – 08th May 2012

I’ve been using my Mooncup for a few months now and I absolutely love it. It’s completely changed the way I feel about my periods. There are so many advantages to it. It’s so discreet. I love not having to carry tampons through the office 🙂 It’s going to be absolutely awesome if I get my period during my summer music festivals. I have been meaning to get one for years, but never quite got round to it. Now I’m going to buy them as birthday gifts for friends, on the offchance they give it a try! Thanks 🙂

Lucy – 02nd May 2012

I was doing a 5km swim, which I been training for four months. As it approached, I realised with a week to go it was going to be the heaviest day of my period. The swim was going to take me about two hours, I knew a tampon in the pool would only last an hour. I needed a solution and fast.I did some research on the web – and other swimmers recommended Mooncup. So I bought on on the Friday, used it for the first time on the Saturday, and swam on the Sunday. I was so happy – it was comfortable and didn’t leak…and I shaved five minutes off my swim time from the previous year.
I am still settling into using the Mooncup. It does seem to leak at night, but it’s amazing during the day. So convenient for work – I don’t have to walk the long way to the toilet with either my bag or a tampon in my hand. And to be able to swim without worrying about leaking is superb.
I’m sure I’ll sus it out at night, but even if I don’t, I’m one happy bunny!

Juliette – 30th April 2012

I will never go back. Tricky my first 4 or so periods, but now it works perfectly – never leaks. I love that I don’t have to deal with it nearly as often as tampons, I love not having a trash can filled with tanpons, I love the money I’m saving, I love how environmentally conscientious it is, and I love how comfortable it is. Soooo pleased. Thank you!

Alana – 29th April 2012

I am 14 years old and just got my period last summer. I’ve hated hot, sweaty, bulky pads with a passion and tampons sometimes leaked and you had to find a bathroom to change them without going over 8 hours; such a nightmare! However, I finally asked my mom if i could get a mooncup after reading about it for a week or so. I bought my size B MCUK (I live in the U.S.) two months ago, and it is wonderful! This is only my first day wearing it and i think I will have to trim the stem completely as it pokes me very uncomfortably, but other than that quick fix, it is WONDERFUL! I did have a little trouble getting in the first month though after trying several times, but I’ve got the hang of it now! I finally got it by putting it in during my shower and squatting, and it went in easily! I would recommend this to anyone, especially young girls, as it makes periods much better, easy to manage, and more private than ripping a pad in the bathroom at school or your friends house where everyone can hear you! Please buy a mooncup, it is wonderful and will make a day at the beach tons easier! And don’t be afraid to ask your mom to buy you one!

Perri – 26th April 2012

Oh my goodness this product is amazing! I have only been using it for a short while, but its the most comfortable sanitary product I have EVER used. It doesn’t make me feel gross, it hasn’t leaked, and I finally don’t feel ashamed to have my period! Thank you so much!!!

Sara – 22nd April 2012

Have to say this is the BEST solution ever. Not only is it environmentally friendly, it also leaves you feeling clean during your period where other products leave you feeling yukky no matter how often you change them.
I came across moon cup when looking for alternatives to the usual monthly protection. I have to say this is the best investment I have ever made! More women need to know about your product.

Kim – 18th April 2012

I am so happy I found this product! I learned about it while searching for info about my very heavy periods – I don’t know why my OB/GYN didn’t suggest it when I discussed my heavy periods with her. This is the first week I have tried it, and I LOVE it! The first day was kind of tense (is it in correctly? how often should I check it? is it going to be a big mess?), and I had a bit of a leak one time due to it not being opened up properly, but I LOVE it already! No more sleeping with a tampon + pad, then waking up in a puddle of blood. No more soggy string. I am thrilled, and wish I had known about it years ago.

Amy – 17th April 2012

I love the Mooncup, I used it for the first time last month and it’s really simple to use and you can’t feel it. It also seems much “cleaner”, there’s no messy tampon to deal with. I just wish they were around when I was a teenager! Tell your friends about this great product!

Jo – 15th April 2012

Years of tampon use, 2 children, 2 coils and now a diapraghm user (due to both coils ending in tears at the 18m point and can’t do hormones!)and about a year of umm-ing and arr-ing about buying a mooncup, i finally decided to just bite the bullet, save money, save the enviroment and give it a try! I have to say I was a bit dubious initially about leakage and fitting it properly (which i did struggle with a bit after auto-pilot high fitting tampons and diaphragms) but OMG, from the moment i put it in (and cut the stem a bit) i was a TOTAL convert! My periods are shorter and less painfull now (could also be connected to no coils anymore) but i’m sure it helps! I just can’t imagine using a tampon now! I do have to say though even once you’re poured the stuff down the loo, it’s still bit icky so i always use a loo with a basin in it so I can fling it straight in the sink, quick rinse and then it’s totally clean and ready to use again. But remember that bit, and for anyone who is, like i was, a bit dubious.. GIVE IT A GO!! I honestly don’t think you will look back!

Abi – 14th April 2012

My first day was a bit weird. i cut the stem too short and was worried the cup might get lost. However, after using it for one cycle, I will NEVER use tampons/pads again willingly. This cup is a brilliant invention and an amazing step into women’s comfortability with their bodies. The vagina is something to be taken care of and this cup does exactly that!

Rechelle – 13th April 2012

I first saw a sticker for the mooncup on a toilet door at uni. Once home I checked out the website and decided to give it a try. All I can say, is it’s fantastic! No more buying and carrying around loads of tampons. The mooncup is so discreet and easy to use. I don’t feel dry on lighter days and it has never leaked once on dryer days. My favourite part is knowing that I’m not damaging the environment with sanitary products. After all, when I have children I intend to use cloth nappies, so I’d be hypocritical to continue to use disposable sanitary products. The mooncup is the perfect solution, eco-friendly and actually makes my period easier to cope with.

Laura – 08th April 2012

I bought the mooncup about 5 months ago and to start with it was a bit hit and miss. The largest issue for me was the sizing, I bought the recommended size for a woman of my age (42 and no children) but found it incredibly difficult and uncomfortable to remove. I spoke to a friend of mine who also bought at the same time and she suggested going for the smaller size. I am a horse rider and have ridden for 20 plus years so think having well toned pelvic floor muscles made all the difference!! Anyway to cut a long story short the small one is perfect and i am now using it with more confidence. So i guess the point is if you undertake exercise that prompts a strong pelvic floor don’t be afraid to buy the smaller one regardless of age!! Thanks Mooncup…

Lynne – 07th April 2012

I’ve always used tampons but never liked the smelly disposal. Plus, as an Ironman triathlete, I had the problem of l-o-n-g training sessions (7-8 hours on the bike, 3 hours running and 1-2 hours in the water). Obviously you need to change tampons more often than that and where do you dispose of them out in the country side or on the beach? It was getting ridiculous: running the South Downs Way relay race (14 hours with no access to a loo) with used tampons in my bag – yuk! Plus, when I swim the tampon soaks up so much water that I have to dash to the loo and change the soggy thing with blood and water running down my leg. Again, a nightmare when you’re trying to get a sea swim in before dashing to work. I’ve never yet had a period on an ironman race day but what can you use for 13 hours protection?!
I heard about the mooncup years ago when I was trying to be Eco and use washable nappies but I thought it was just for hippies and I didn’t know you could just reinsert if you didn’t have access to a tap. Anyway with all the above, when it caught
my eye in Boots, I decided to try it. Didn’t care if I wasted £20.

So far it’s been brilliant. Swam twice yesterday (pool and sea). No soggy tampon!!!!!

My daughter is 11 and I’m sure just about to start her periods. She is a competitive swimmer and swims 6 times a week. I’m going to tell her about it today 🙂

HJ – 05th April 2012

Oh my goodness. Where have you been all my life? At aged 47 I discovered the mooncup. I’d been diagnosed with fibroids 10 years ago and have unpleasantly heavy periods, particularly a problem at night when i had regular leakage despite using double protection. Then I moved to France 8 years ago and live in a house with no mains drainage which means there’s no nice way of disposing of used sanitary products other than to put it in the bin. The discovery of the mooncup means no unpleasant bin situations, no waste and even better no night time spillages. Thank you a million tines over!!!

Nicola31 – 05th April 2012

Since having children my periods have been very heavy. This cost was money and knickers. Life was pretty crap off one week of every month. Now, since using the Mooncup I am free!! Free from late night trips to the coop for night time pads, free from guilt, all those non biodegradable tampons and I have new knickers that still look like new knickers. LOVE it, genius idea. It’s so bloody easy everyone should have I one. No pun intended.

Mary – 02nd April 2012

I first saw a Mooncup on a medical program about alternative products for women and, must be honest, thought YUCK! However, a few months later and after looking at a few sites like this one, decided that it was time to try one. I am 42 and a single parent and have always used internal prtection but never liked the thought of filling the seas, etc. Mine arrived today, just in time and after making sure I had followed the instructions in the booklet, found how amazingly easy the Mooncup is, both to insert and to stop any leaks. Not messy at all. I know I am only a Day One User BUT must say, I AM AMAZED…so simple and so many reasons to use a Mooncup over ‘regular’ protection. I am already spreading the word and how do I get some stickers so more women can feel the same freedom? I will never look back. Everything you have read is TRUE! Thank You, all of you at Mooncup :0) x

Sarah – 31st March 2012

I have been using a Mooncup for a number of years now and it has saved me a lot of money and embarrassing leaks as I have very heavy periods. I DO still need to wear a pantyliner but change it far less frequently, and I think that the leaks I have are more due to a retroverted uterus than an actual failing on the part of the Moooncup. I have less period pain, more money and less concern about the environment; the country I live in rarely sells tampons; and because all toilets have a little washing hose next to them here, I can change discreetly anywhere 🙂

Henneke – 26th March 2012

I’ve been using the mooncup for about 10 months. I thought it was the best invention ever. The most positive thing about it is the environmental impact (zero). Next is the impact on your body (zero). Next is the convenience (I have a heavy period, and still only empty it once a day). My body has now adjusted to it, and I can barely fit a tampon in anymore, it feels dry and unnatural.

My only problem is that it doesn’t work overnight for me, but it did take me over 4 cycles to even get the hang of it during the day, so I’m not giving up.

I could go on forever, but all I will say is that it’s a great investment. The positives completely outway the negatives. Definitely give it a go.

Jessi, 18 – 24th March 2012

After searching ‘alternative to tampons and pads’ on google, Mooncup came up in all the searches so I decided to be open-minded have a look, I only bought one this afternoon while in the middle of my period and already I am seeing and feeling a difference. I have been diagnosed with a ovary problem which as a result meant I can no longer use tampons without extreme pain in my ovary occurring on insertion. So I have to make do with pads throughout my very heavy periods, which as you can imagine isn’t ideal (especially during the night) And just to top things off, I have become very allergic to all brands of pads and get painful rashes down there, which was the point where I couldn’t take it any more which is why I took to google for alternatives! Now I have all the freedom of a tampon i.e. swimming etc without the pain and dryness that tampons give. Already there’s all those benefits just for me alone before you even take into consideration how eco-friendly it is. How many times have you put a high absorbency night pad in expecting more just to find in the morning that hardly anything has come out during the night and now you have to throw away a virtually unused pad to go on landfill. I could go on all day about it, but all in all, even only after a few hours of owning one and reading all the brilliant reviews and the facts, it comes out on top every time. I really don’t understand why this method isn’t as well known as tampons in this day and age of everything being eco! I can see me using this for years and years to come, and definitely encouraging my future daughters to use it as well. I will recommend to all the women I know. Thank you xxx

Hannah – 23rd March 2012

I’m in Australia and ordered my Mooncup online. I have been using it for around a year now- I has completely changed the way I view having a period! It’s no longer a hassle. It’s easy, I hardly have to think about it. I boast about the Mooncup to anyone who cares to listen. I can sleep without any other protection. Have never had a leakage issue. I’m pretty sure my vaginal health is a lot better since I began using these. I generally feel cleaner. Seriously, life changing!

Alex – 20th March 2012

I’ve been using a mooncup since 2006, I think. I was living in the UK and I was getting skin reactions to pads, when I started getting irritations from tampon strings I decided it was time to look into menstrual cups, which I had heard about from a friend.
I love it, 6 years later I’m buying another to keep in my bag so I don’t have to worry about unexpected periods surprising me, particularly during travel. I travel a lot for work and it’s great not having to pack a whole selection of sanitary products just in case.

Claire – 18th March 2012

I love my Mooncup. I bought mine on a whim to be more green and never wear pads again, and I couldn’t live without it now. It definitely took some getting used to and I wouldn’t say that it’s any easier than other methods (it still takes me longer to put in and out than a tampon) but I not having to buy menstrual products is wonderful, and I never leak anymore. It was a lifesaver as I had stopped being able to wear pads because of severe itching (I would literally wake up trying to scratch my skin off) and since my flow was fairly light tampons made me very very dry and sore. (this seriously affected my sex life also).
My Mooncup has fixed any issue I had. No itching, no dryness, and intercourse no longer feels “sandpapery”. I would recommend to anyone.

Sara – 11th March 2012

I had been meaning to get a moon cup for ages but was somewhat dubious. Then I went to Glastonbury festival and was caught short… I came on, not the best place on the work to be trying to deal with that! Thankfully only a short walk from my tent was an outlet for the mooncup! So I bought one, it is without a doubt the best decision I have ever made!! I was warned it might be a bit much to use it for the first time at a festival, but the draw of not having to worry about changing my tampon every few hours was enough!! And with some persistance and ingenuity I was able to sort myself out at the tent with the use of a camping stove to keep things sterile!! I have always used tampons and no matter which I have used I have always had problems with leakages, but I’ve not had one in nearly a year of using the mooncup, I have told every woman I know about them! If I can manage to get used to using it whilst at Glastonbuy festival, anyone can do it with some persistence! Give it a go, you’ll not look back! 😀

Simi – 08th March 2012

I bought my mooncup when I was on holiday in the UK about 8 years ago. I found it invaluable when travelling to places like Thailand where the toilet facilities did not cater for tampons or sanitry towels. I feel great knowing that I am not adding to land-fill or blocking any sewerage pipes. I have recently had an IUD fitted and had to wear a tampon due to unforseen circumstances – I suffered extreme cramps when wearing the tampon and realised it was due to the pressure against my uterus. Once I was able to wear my mooncup again – the cramping disappeared.

Debi – Australia – 06th March 2012

Buying one has been on my to-do list for a few years, stupidly. I finally bought one yesterday. I’ve been practising with it yesterday and today – putting it in, feeling the stem chafing slightly, taking it out, trimming the stem a bit more, and now the stem is perfect, I don’t feel a thing, no matter how I flex my pelvic floor muscles. But what I really came here to tell you is this: when I took it out for the first time with blood in it (my period just started this afternoon), I couldn’t believe it. I held in my hand a clear cup of ruby-red, CLEAN blood. There was no fishy smell, as there always is with tampons! I sniffed it several times because I just couldn’t believe it. I said to myself in shock, “It … doesn’t smell!” and began to cry. My body has been clean all along!

Cáit, 25 – 04th March 2012

I had bad period pains so in desperation tried the mooncup. The pain eased straight away. Please try it. Why suffer? I wish I’d tried it years ago!

Steph – 29th February 2012

I bought my mooncup last week and am having my first period with it now…it’s absolutely fantastic! It’s very comfortable, I have had no leaks at all and I don’t have the ‘soreness’ that I used to get from tampons. I feel very confident with it…next thing to try is an exercise class with it. Best £20 I have ever spent, and it helps the environment too. What more could a girl want?!

Han – 28th February 2012

I decided to use the mooncup because I got terribly sore each month during and after my period using tampons and pads. I no longer get the irritation and also don’t become dry.

Although I still leak a little on my heavy days (I have very heavy periods which can also be measured with the mooncup) I wouldn’t go back to other methods.
Another unexpected benefit is that I can now shower with my girls if necessary without the embarrassing questions that come with using tampons (or having no protection with pads).

And not having a bin full of sanitary products each month is another added bonus.

I recommend mooncup to all my friends and would hate to be without it.

Jenny – 28th February 2012

I heard about the mooncup and it intrigued me so i looked into it and was impressed with what I read. I couldnt wait for my period to try it. My plan was to have a few goes before the big day but life kept getting in the way. When it did, I had another quick read of the leaflet and gave it a go. I was surprised how easy it was. I was expecting it to feel a little uncomfortable but no it didnt. I was going to a gig that night and decided to risk leaving it in cos I was just going to use it at home for the first month. I am so glad I did as I felt no discomfort or pain as I usually get very painful periods. I wore a panty liner just in case but there was no leakages at all. Gave me a huge sense of freedom, so much so I had forgotten I was even on my period. Usually I also feel ‘unclean’ but not while using this. Taking it out isnt as bad as it sounds, just got to take it slow. Im 3 days in now and I wont be going back to conventional methods.My boyfriend keeps laughing at me cos I cant stop going on about it, just so surprised at the ease of it all. Girls, dont delay, try it today!! You wont regret it.

Lisa – 26th February 2012

I’m adding my thoughts because it was reading others’ testimonials which convinced me to give it a go, and to keep trying.
The first couple of attempts were a bit awkward and I managed to spill everything all over the bathroom floor, but I’ve not done that again – I guess anything new is difficult, especially when you’ve been using tampons for near 30 years (eek)!

Anyway, I’m on my second month now and I’m convinced it’s the way forward, so much so that I’ve cleared out my bedside draw of tampons – leaving oodles of space for other stuff, so that’s a plus.

One big plus for me is that I won’t have to be paranoid that I’ve left a tampon in – all those times in the morning when, bleary eyed you can’t remember if you’ve taken it out or not – I certainly won’t miss that!

I’ve had to get up in the night for years because a tampon wouldn’t cope with my flow on the first couple of days. The mooncup does cope which is great.

And as I’m getting older my flow is heavier, and I was considering the progesterone coil to help slow things down – but now I don’t feel I have to so that’s a plus too.

I’m just annoyed that I didn’t give it a try years ago when I first came across them. I think it’s a shame that the mooncup is not more widely sold and advertised.

Sarah – 25th February 2012

I’d been told about mooncup by a couple friends but was really nervous about trying it!Now i have i cant believe i didnt try it years ago! its brilliant – ive had no leaks, even at the gym Its really comfortable, can’t even feel it!Its also pretty easy to insert, removing takes a bit of getting used to but i got the hang of it. Now im he one trying to convince my friends to use it.

Megan – 24th February 2012

As a pretty active teenager, those 7 days every month were an absolute nightmare as I have extremely heavy periods, always doubling up super pads and super tapons in order to avoid leaking and they needed changed every hour and a half or so. A month or two ago (while I was on work experience I might add) my period came on so I headed to Boots to buy some super plus tampons. It was while I was there that I spotted the mooncup. I had read about it before and seriously wanted to try it but I thought it might be a bit tricky. I splashed out, went straight home, sterilised it and put it straight in. I didn’t have any problems at all, except that the cup was a tiny bit difficult to maneuvre in the first time. However, with a little practice I was able to nail it and I can tell you for a fact, I won’t be looking back. There’s no leaking, no pain, no discomfort and no changing ever hour. Hoooooraaay! Thankyou so much!

Amy – 22nd February 2012

Fabulous! On my second month of using the mooncup. I Have been suffering from eczema for almost 6 months which was brought on by using the usual sanitary items. The cream my doctor had prescribed didn’t seem to help and towels for sensitive sking seem to be impossible to find here. I was looking online and came across the mooncup… “hummed and arred” and finally ordered one just after xmas! Slightly dubious when it arrived but I have to say it is amazing. The first time I used it, I used a panty liner because I honestly believed I may still get leakage… no surprise when my eczema returned but this month I have not used a liner and am so happy I have NO eczema! I can not sing the Mooncups praises any higher!

Becky – 22nd February 2012

I’ve been a supporter and user of the Mooncup for almost 5 years now and I’ve never looked back! It was the best £20 investment EVER. Pretty good going as I’ve saved nearly £450 within that time, not to mention saving the landfill space that no longer houses my icky disposables 🙂 Thank you Mooncup!

Alexys B – 21st February 2012

I’ve been using my Mooncup for 3 years and it genuinely has changed my periods forever!I changed to Mooncup and washable pads because I couldn’t stand the waste that the plastic pads produce- they stink, they’re itchy and they just don’t feel right.
Mooncup was a bit of a learning curve, but once you use it you’ll never go back to disposables. It’s so much more convenient- you don’t have to carry repacements, just give it a rinse and off you go!
They’re so easy to use, environmentally friendly, and a great investment because if you look after them they last for years. I wish everyone would give it a try.

Beki – 20th February 2012

This has been a god send. I have very heavy periods and NOTHING has worked for me, until now. It’s so much more comfortable to wear than tampons or pads and it’s easier to change. I was having to use bothMy favourite part is not having to carry around sanitary products all of the time!
Once you get over the size, I find folding it into a sort of triangle shape helps, it’s great. It can leak a little bit, but I think that’s more to do with how heavy my periods are, than a design fault.
It can be a little messy, so I recommend trying it out when you’re at home for a couple of days until you get the knack of changing it, doing it in the shower is a good idea, especially as using warm water help sooth period pains and provides a lubricant.

L – 19th February 2012

It had been thinking of buying a Mooncup for a while but it still seemed a bit nasty and weird to me. But then one day my friend asked me if I knew about Mooncup. I was like, yeah, seems nasty. But then she told that she thought that she had lost her Mooncup but found it and new one is on it’s way and if I want to buy it from her. Then I thought why not.. And when I started using it I felt sorry that I didn’t buy it before! It is just amazing! I almost feel like I don’t have my period when using it. Also, I have terrible stomach and back aces and they have really reduced. I really feel like I have to suggest it to all my friends!

Anja – 17th February 2012

Having heard about the Mooncup some years ago, I finally decided to try it out having had some concerns about tampons and the fact I was using so many. I am 44 and now wish I had tried the Mooncup many years ago…it is brilliant and far easier than I originally thought it would be. I am using them with washable towels which are equally wonderful in beautiful colourful fleece made by Minki, easy to wash, easy to wear and help with feeling secure if anything leaks a little. Now on day 3, I have counted 147ml! It is also great because I can go without needing a bathroom for far longer, especially in the first few days… no more every half hour change. Thank you! Thank you! In a few years time, I will also be able to show my daughter that there is a suitable alternative to disposables which gives even more freedom and is better for the environment.

Amanda – 17th February 2012

I received my Mooncup and my initial thought was how large it was – but it was incredibly easy to insert and far easier than a tampon (which needs to be placed deeper into your vagina). It is absolutely brilliant and I will never use a tampon again. I have recommended it to all my friends and they are all ordering. Thank you for such a wonderful alternative to un-hygenic tampons, I wish I had heard about the Mooncup years ago 🙂

Josie – 15th February 2012

As a user of a few years now, I thought it was high time to put in my two pence worth and sing the Mooncup’s praises.
Since I got the hang of it, which I’d say took a few periods, I haven’t used anything else. There are so many good points to it that I’ve never been able to find any downsides. It’s especially good for swimming in; yes, the first time did feel experimental, but I had nothing to worry about. I just couldn’t return to conventional protection now: I like the Mooncup too much!

Lucy – 13th February 2012

Ladies, we all need to spread the word! If you also love the mooncup tell your mates and get them to check this site out. I have now got 10 of my friends using it and promising to spread the word further! (a few of these mates found it a suprising birthday present but thank me now!) I feel that tampons are so horrible now i have found a better way and cant believe anybody can use towels in this day and age. The mooncup is literally te best invention for women ever. Ladies, if you are reading this and dont already have one sort your act out and get one now- you have nothing to loose and a heck of a lot to gain.
Thanks Mooncup folks!!


amy – 12th February 2012

This product should be available in all supermarkets and pharmacies, it is so much better than menstrual pads.
I’ve been using pads since I was 12, and I always hated the discomfort and smell they brought with their use. I wasn’t keen using tampons, so when I initially considered trying something else, I chose clothe pads. Horrible experience. The odour did decrease, but my anxiety increased because I was terrified I would leak! Due to this I had to change them every hour, so after that debacle, I decided I’d give Mooncup a go. To be honest, the first day was weird, as I’d never used tampons and I had to get used to inserting it, but after that it was a breeze.

It really is all about getting the knack of insertion correct, and after that it’s a walk in the park. No more smells, and no you don’t get blood on your hands when you have to take it out! It’s made my period so much more easy, and I greatly regret not having tried it earlier. Please, please start advertising this products on tv, it’s very hard to find out about these products. I never realised there was an alternative to pads/tampons until I read it online.

Keep up the good work!

Hannah – 12th February 2012

I just purchased my second Mooncup after using the first one for almost a decade. Since then I haven’t used any pads or tampons so I have to say it has definitely earned its money back!
I really recommend every woman to give it a try. It may feel awkward and a bit too hands on at first, but once you get comfortable with it it’ll change the way you deal with your period. It’s SO much more liberating and comfortable than wearing a pad or worrying about tampon leakage. I couldn’t imagine my life without my Mooncup!

Vera – 11th February 2012

I have used my Mooncup for several years and now I am delighted to see they are available in Boots (mainstream chemist!!) as well as online. How I wish I had had one from 20 years ago. It has got a bit discoloured with time but that is really irrelevant. I tried another brand which was dark red coloured rubber which is a good idea to have this colour as it will become this colour in time anyway….but the other brand was much less flexible and more rigid, not as comfortable as Mooncup. I find MC simplicity itself to use, insertion is reasonably easy if I hold it folded into itself and just let it ‘pop’ open inside me. Removal…I did have to cut the whole stem off as it was protruding and irritated me, but once I’d done that I found that if I pinched the base it broke the suction and I could ease it out. You do have to keep it upright on removal UNLESS you remove it over the loo of course or it spills. I had to hold it tight if removing over the loo to stop it falling in! Once in, it never leaked. I found I could leave it in for a day and a night sometimes, and forgot it was there. You can’t feel it at all. I even started to have sex once or twice forgetting I had my period and it was still in! It was slightly embarrassing having to ask my partner to close his eyes while I swiftly took it out and emptied it on the ground or a tissue then hid it in the tissue!! I am now menopausal and during this time I have had month-long flooding while my body deals with the hormone thing. But throughout I have used the MC and no problem! Even with the heaviest flooding where I actually had to go to the hospital to ask advice about was my womb haemmorhaging because of fibroids or something, the MC just kept on catching it all and letting me know when it was full (I could feel a slight overflow seepage but nothing major, a panty liner caught it) the only difference was i had to empty it more often. But it holds an amazing amount of blood before you have to empty it. Mooncup, you saved me from having to be housebound stuck to a chair with a huge panty pad pile strapped to my bottom!!! You are a hero!!!!

Cathy – 10th February 2012

I hate to say it, but after one afternoon of using the Mooncup I’m a TOTAL convert – I love it. I first came across them a couple of weeks ago, and stumbled upon it again this morning. I decided to give it a go as I’m all for the environment. Turns out it’s convenient to use, easy to get used to, much more comfortable than a tampon. The only thing I would say is – why didn’t I hear about this product years ago. seriously, promote this more!!!!

Nicola B – 04th February 2012

I am a total Mooncup convert!!! Been meaning to get one for a while, then bought it the other day on day 1 of period, and now on day 3 can happily say I will never go back to tampons. I found it really easy to start using (possibly because I’ve been using tampons for so long) and it’s very comfortable – more so than tampons which can be very drying, and it’s often difficult to judge which size you need as I can go from heavy to light and back again several times a day. Thank you Mooncup – just wish I’d been brave enough to try it earlier!

Gemma – 02nd February 2012

Here I am, with a pad on, an old towel on the bed, and body prepared to not move during the night…as usual at this time of the month. I was thinking about all this and unable to relax, as usual again, and thinking about my upcoming move to my fiance’s house in another country. Being a creature of habit, I had already wondered if they will have my brands of pads and tampons there, and I just hoped and wished that maybe the massive and massively-embarassing leaking that comes with a night of a heavy period would magically not happen there, next to him, in HIS BED! So I was bored and I went to my smartphone to look up what had occurred to me to keep from leaking: a menstrual diaper? And I found a link and testimonial for the Mooncup, which I, like so many others, had heard of but was afraid to try. After an hour of reading nothing but positive (and glowing) testimonials and watching a demo video and seeing the actual cup for the first time, I will buy my own Mooncup first thing tomorow morning, hopefully not after cursing and cleaning up. Like all the enthusiastic reviews before me, sorry for writing so much, but I guess this is one thing all of us women get excited about!

Kayla – 01st February 2012

I head about this last week and ordered one pretty much right away hoping it would arrive before my next period. It did arrive on time and I tried it for the first time yesterday. I can honestly say, I was a little unsure at first but now I am delighted!! I got used to it almost right away, and once i’ve mastered the overnight leakage issue,(only used it over one night) I reckon this is the best thing since sliced bread!!! I want to tell everyone about it!!!

Suzanna – 31st January 2012

The mooncup is the best buy I’ve ever made. It can be tricky in the beginning and you might experience some leakage, but in time you learn how to do it!
I really recommend it! Save money and the environment 🙂

Frida – 31st January 2012

A few days in from first using a mooncup and already there’s no going back. So much less hassle and no horrid smell and the niggling feeling of creating so much waste is gone. Insertion was okay once I figured out a better way of folding it, but I did run into problems trying to get it out – the suction wouldn’t let up and it was quite painful. It’s really important to release that seal & not let it reseal! Try it in the shower, the warm & wet really does help.

Katie – 31st January 2012

I have been using a mooncup for 2 years now and totally love it, wish that I’d known about them years ago. My 13 year old daughter is a competitive swimmer and I bought her one in readiness for her periods to start…which they did yesterday, and she managed it no problem. She’s there saying “I don’t know what all the fuss is about” – as her friends make a big thing. She’s delighted too!

Dawn – 30th January 2012

I first used the mooncup when i was 14, my periods were getting so heavy that i would wear incontinence pants and i would still leak through 🙁 So when i heard about the mooncup, i thought it would be the perfect way to prevent leakage and keep track of my flow each month, as i am now attempting to get pregnant!!
Overall, I love mooncup, who says a girl with a heavy flow can’t wear white skinny jeans!

tessa – 28th January 2012

I first heard about the Mooncup 4 years ago, and after a couple of months I thought I may as well try it. I’m so glad I did as I have never looked back. At first I thought it was pretty gross and that’s what put me off, but it’s so easy to use, lasts hours, isn’t messy and is good for the environment! What more can you ask for? Seriously, try it!

Chloe – 28th January 2012

fantastic- really pleased with the moon cup saving money and landfill – hope girls in school are being given the opportunity to learn about this other form of managing their periods. lets get a new generation using moon cups, think of the impact it will make on reducing waste !!!!!!!!!

Andrea – 25th January 2012

Started using my mooncup a little before Christmas after months of dithering over whether to buy one.
It is the best thing ever! Saves the expense of pads, can be used on light medium and heavy days and for whatever reason eases my period cramps! I used to be on transexamic acid to control the pain now I usually dont take paracetamol!

Hayley – 23rd January 2012

I was told about these in my early teens but didn’t see any for sale until a few years ago. I’m in my mid 20’s now and am upset I wasted so much money in between on leaky tampons, towels which made me insecure and having to wear black “just in case”.
I have been using my Mooncup now for around two years and it has a little compartment in my handbag so I’m never caught short. I tend to use disabled toilets if I’m in public as I am able to wash it out in between but if not I just wipe and reinsert.

It was a little uncomfortable at first but I got used to the feeling and am able to insert it a lot easier which helped. I don’t get the dryness I used to with tampons on the last day or two and don’t even need pantyliners as I am confident. This is a genuine testimonial and I’m glad my friend’s mum told me about them years ago even if it took me a while to get there. I’ve probably saved around £60 so far and I’m helping the environment.

Nikki – 23rd January 2012

Hi, I first saw an advert for a mooncup on the back of a toilet door and wasn’t convinced as it sounded quite ‘messy’. However a couple of years ago in a quest to be more environmental I thought i would give if a go.
It took a little while to get used to it and adjust the stem to the right length but once there I love it, and it’s no more messy than tampons. What’s more I got caught out recently and had to buy tampons, I had completely fogotten how much of a pain it was to have to change a tampon every 2-3 hours and decide which size u needed. Don’t get me wrong I know that I am lucky and don’t have a heavy flow but using tampons is so much harder.

To top it off, I also have vaginismus, I have gained help and it is much better than it ever was. For years I have coped with using tampons as a needs must, but the discovery of the mooncup was great…no more trying to insert dry cotton objects, the mooncup is so much easier to insert and withdraw and once in
you forget its even there.

Basically if you are slightly in doubt don’t hold back, go for it. The only hesitation I would have is if u have a very heavy flow as I am not quite sure how convenient this would b then.

Good luck, hopefully it will be as beneficial as it has been for me.

Sarah – 23rd January 2012

I wouldn’t use anything else. I suffered for years with recurring thrush and urine infections but have been completely clear since I started using my Mooncup. I can only attribute it to not using tampons that are bleached and upset my body’s natural balance.I love my Mooncup. It’s simple to care for and clean, it’s easy to pop in and out, and one day I’ll be buying one for my daughter. I’d much rather she learn to live with her periods in the most natural way, than bung herself up with bleach-soaked cotton wool.

Polly – 23rd January 2012

Just tried mooncup today for the first time and am very impressed. Very comfortable , no leaks …. So far anyway !!! Will certainly be using it from now on !!!

Hayley – 20th January 2012

I was reading these testimonials a few weeks ago while trying to decide whether it was worth buying a Mooncup and if it would be just as good for me … it was and it is! Seriously, don’t hesitate. By the third empty I was waxing lyrical about it to my husband and by the end of my period (today) I was kicking myself for not having bought one when I first heard about them a few years ago. Natural-feeling, incredibly comfortable and easy to use, no leaks, no dryness, no smell, none of that horrible feeling when you feel like your soaked tampax is about to slip out and, above all, a deep satisfaction from knowing that of the billions of tampax polluting the sea, there will be no more of mine ever again. Now onto persuading everyone I know to get one …

Amanda – 18th January 2012

I only started using it yesterday, but I already love it! I didn’t find it too tricky to insert or remove and it feels really comfortable. It’s so much more convenient than tampons and sanitary towels and the environmental benefits are a bonus.

Tasha – 16th January 2012

I bought a mooncup having read about them as an environmental alternative to tampons and towels. However I hadn’t appreciated it would also have so many personal lifestyle and health advantages beyond cutting down on landfill! If you are swithering I definitely recommend you give it a go – and keep at it. Yes, it is a bit tricky at first – it’s taken me several months to get used to it/get the knack. But this has definitely paid off. Now I trust it completely and am amazed at how natural and easy it now seems. It doesn’t leak or smell, or make you dry or uncomfortable in the slightest – you can just forget its your period until its time to change it (and you can do that less often too which is great for light days). I seem to get less thrush type symptoms too which is another bonus. So glad I persevered. Thanks Mooncup!

Josephine – 15th January 2012

I have been using a Moon Cup for four years. It was recommended to me by my gym trainer, as i expressed my long suffering periods (I could bleed for upwards of 20 days). I love my Moon Cup it is comfortable easy to insert and remove and i actually forget that i am wearing it at times.

Emma – 09th January 2012

Since having my second child my periods had become sooo heavy. At first I tried the Mirena, but it left me feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Hormonal birth control just isn’t for me. So I ended up having a copper coil put instead, which can make periods EVEN HEAVIER!!! Thankfully this hasn’t been a problem thanks to the Mooncup. My periods are still heavy, but the Mooncup copes admirably. It took a few times to get the hang of putting it in to ensure no leakage, but we’re there now and I’m not looking back. Main benefits for me – copes with heavy periods even through the night, periods seem less painful, periods are shorter, save money. So I get a bit of blood on my fingers. Who cares?! It’s all mine!

Jocelyn – 06th January 2012

I am now on my second mooncup, having had the first one for 6 years I lost it (was nearly time to replace anyway). It is fabulous, I would seriously never use anything else. It just seems so logical and simple when you think about it- why do we bother with disposable sanitary ware?!

Emma – 06th January 2012

I have had my Mooncup for just one menstrual cycle and already I am in love with it! I found at first that the appearance of it can be daunting, but honestly once you have gotten used to using it you will wonder what you did without it! There genuinely is absolutely no leakage, and it is so easy to clean. I have been telling everyone about it and in using the Mooncup I have gotten to know my own body much better. If you are considering buying one – just do it, because you honestly won’t regret it!

Lisa Marie – 05th January 2012

I stumbled across an advertisement for Mooncup in the public toilets in Morrisons in Penrith 5 years ago, it seemed like an amazing idea and immediately I looked the website on returning home. I had always hated using sanitary products and the chemical smell was never something I warmed to, do I took a chance and ordered aMooncup, one of the best things I have ever done, it’s simple, it’s easy and mostly the smell of the horrible chemicals has gone, I’m sold and rave about it to all who will listen, thank you Mooncup you have saved me and the environment a great deal! I love it…

Debi – 05th January 2012

I cannot stress enough how great the mooncup is. The only things that took a little getting used to were a)remembering to take water into public toilet cubicles (to rinse when changing) and b) insertion and removal. However, once you get used to these things, there’s no looking back. I took my mooncup for 9 months travelling around Asia and I’m SOO glad I discovered it for that trip. It’s hard to get hold of tampons in Asia and using precious backpack space for towels / tampons would’ve been impossible. With the mooncup I always had an effective sanitary product with me that was water-resistant (and no danger of that embarrasing tampon-string-poking-out-the-swimsuit thing!). Thank you mooncup, you are marvellous! I’m trying to convert all my friends! 🙂

Emma – 04th January 2012

I just realized the other day that I’ve been using my Mooncup for almost 8 years already! My how time flies! I never will go back to disposable products! Its so comfortable and convenient.

April – 04th January 2012

Mooncup has changed my life! A friend of mine was so thrilled with her discovery, i just had to try. Having used the mooncup for the last 6 months now, I really don’t think i could go back to using tampons. The most profound part of this experience for me has been this feeling of finally understanding my body. An awareness of how my period progresses and makes me feel day by day. I subsequently have made moves to become healthier and rethink hormonal contraception. Also having a clear visual of just how much blood you loose on your fist few days made me realised that the odd iron boost would benefit me supposed to coffee and a pain killer. I don’t consider myself new age in any respect but I feel now that our bodies aren’t designed to be complicated with products, hormones and corporations and advertising – mooncup is just the simplest, cleanest device, no frills and i love that ! Thank you mooncup people for such a revolutionary product!

Alexandra – 02nd January 2012

A friend sent me a link to your site about a year ago, partly in jest. After looking and doing all the background research, though, I just had to give it a try.
It was a little awkward at first – I cut the stem too short and had some weird moments getting it in and out. But after sticking with it for a cycle, it was so much better than anything else I’ve tried and I’m thoroughly pleased with it now. SO much easier, SO much less wasteful, and easy to clean. Makes having a period not nearly as miserable or messy. I can’t believe I don’t see these advertised more often!

Amy N. – 13th December 2011

I have been using my mooncup for 6 years now…and love it.I wish I had known about it before.It is easy to use and not once have a had a leak.So much more hygenic and safer than Tampons or towels.Most of my friends now use a mooncup and are very happy to.Try it ,you have nothing to lose.I wonder why charities are not promoting these in 3rd world countries they would surely benefit the women there.I cant say enough how good they are .

Helen – 03rd December 2011

I purchased this product awhile back, but just recently started my period again (PCOS and Amenorreah so I decided to give it a try. I used it all night the first night, and didnt feel anything, and slept like a baby- which is great, because even with super sized tampons, I am usually up 2-3 times a night changing them!!!!I am a very heavy bleeder…. but I just have to say that I love this product, and the fact that there is an alternative out there to pads and tampons, that is better for the enviroment, and safer for me! I have been spreading the word to all my gal pals, because this is something that every woman should be aware of!!!!

cerissalaine – 29th November 2011

I bought a Mooncup approx. 1.5 hours ago, boiled it and inserted it. I have never used menstrual cups before and all I can say is that I’m one happy girl! THANK YOU for this great product!

Lisa – 29th November 2011

J’ai eu quelques difficultés au début, mais après quelques fois, on s’y habitue et c’est de loin la meilleure solution aux menstruations que je connaisse. Bon marché/longue durée de vie/écologique/confortable/pratique : elle possède tous les arguments. Malheureusement je célèbre ce soir sa dépouille. Dans ma bêtise, j’ai laissé bouillir ma Mooncup pendant 3 heures dans une casserole minuscule au lieu des 5 minutes requises. L’eau s’était totalement évaporée et la Mooncup était en piteux état. Ella a donc dû atterrir dans la poubelle. =( A l’avenir je mettrai une minuterie ! Cela fait néanmoins quelques années que je l’utilise avec bonheur, je peux ainsi vous conseiller sans craintes : sautez dessus, Mesdames et Mesdemoiselles. Et surtout, persévérez si vous éprouvez quelques difficultés initialement. La terre mérite que nous suions un peu pour elle.

Lis’ – 23rd November 2011

The Mooncup is so great, sometimes I forget I’m even having my period!

Kate – 20th November 2011

Fantastic-can’t rate it highly enough! when i first got mine i wanted to buy all my (girl) friends one. They declined..I’ve had mine for about 6yrs now. very easy to use, clean, no ache like i used to get with tampons.

helen – 19th November 2011

I wish I’d found out about the Mooncup when I first started my period. It would have saved me money and years of discomfort and embarrassment, especially during my traumatic teens, not to mention all the landfill and waste that women’s sanitary products take up around the world. The Mooncup given me so much freedom and comfort since I started using it four years ago. The only time I remember I have my period is when it’s time to empty it. If I have a daughter I’ll be making sure she uses one–in the meantime I tell all my female friends about it.

Angie from Australia – 19th November 2011

I use the mooncup and i swear i will NEVER go back to tampons or pads. My whole vagina and downstairs feels so much cleaner and healthier and since i started using it i haven’t had a sign of infections (which i used to get alot while using normal sanitary wear. I have reccommended it to all of my friends and a few of them now use it as well. They are easy to use, easy to clean, easy to insert and remove and you never have to worry about when to buy tampns or pads.

Chrissie – 16th November 2011

Hi – Have been using the Mooncup for almost 9 or 10 years now, and have just bought a second one. It’s been great, must have saved £££s over the years, travelling is easy, sports, swimming etc etc. All with the warm fuzzy feeling that you are not adding to landfill each month. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Helen – 16th November 2011

It is everything it’s cracked up to be and better. Yes you need a little practice getting it in and out at first, but it is so vastly superior to pads and tampons in *every* way, including a few things I didn’t really think about, that didn’t really register, until I experienced it myself: #1, the convenience that comes of it NOT being disposable — once your period starts, you *never* have to give a moment’s thought to your “supplies”, getting it to the bathroom discreetly, etc.; and #2, feeling so much cleaner externally – no smudgy smelly sticky anything. I have never felt so free in all my life. I also couldn’t believe how quickly I came to trust that it is, truly, completely leakproof – I thought I’d take a few periods to really believe it. But when you’re using it right, you immediately know, you can feel it, the seal and how secure it is. Amazing product, only regret not having it sooner.

Madeline – 14th November 2011

I heard about Mooncup from my Mum a few years ago and decided to give it a go. I hated having periods and actually found them quite distressing but since using the mooncup, it’s all completely changed. I’m able to deal with the blood and I feel a lot cleaner through using it. My mum has since got one, and I’ve recommended it to friends and a local health food shop that’s just opened. I absolutely love it and would love for mroe people to know about it and understand it.

Jo – 09th November 2011

I’ve been using my mooncup for about 4 years now and couldn’t be happier with it. I have heavy flow for a couple of days and then it’s really light, I was always either paranoid of leakage or uncomfortably dry. No more of that! It’s so comfortable I forget I’m wearing it. Brilliant for travelling, camping in the bush, night shifts without toilets and all sorts of awkward situations where sanitary disposal facilities are non-existant. I wish I had heard of it years ago.

Helen – 07th November 2011

It was a dark and stormy night, and a dark and storm “time of the month” when I realized what was happened. Mother nature had taken revenge on me, and I was stuck in the middle of the Lake District with an alcoholic care-taker and his hippie wife. I built up the courage to ask her for a pad.. and something new and exciting happened. She offered me a mooncup. I knew that moment was fate; the moment Shakespeare and Eliot and Hemingway talk about. Since then, I’ve only felt free. Periods are my favorite time of the month!

Lake District Hiker – 06th November 2011

A wonderful product which has changed my whole attidute towards my period. Aas well as making life so much easier, and saving me loads of money, I now feel more connected to my body and less ashamed of what is in fact a natural and wonderful process! Thank you!

bella – 24th October 2011

Just thrilled I finally got round to buying one 🙂 took me a couple of months to be totally comfortable with it but would never go back now. Feels much more hygienic, no dryness and great for light and heavy days. Only leaked once when I didn’t get it right but now I’m used to it so much more ‘safe’ than tampons. Great product, thanks Mooncup 🙂

Laura – 24th October 2011

I bought the mooncup in a moment of eco-madness, which quickly subsided after initial use. A few month later though, I gave it another try and love it- even when I am not sitting on a green feminist cloud. My period is a slight nuisance now, no longer a somewhat gory affair, strewn and purses stuffed with towels which fall out at any inopportune moment.

Daisy – 24th October 2011

I do not have words for how much I love my Mooncup! I found out about them by accident, and am SO glad I did! I could not imagine my life without my mooncup! I suffer from such heavy periods that I went and had surgery (emdometrial ablation) to try and help, with no sucess. Then I stumbled on a site discussing menstral cups, I had no idea what in the world they were talking about, and to be honest at first thought the idea of a menstral cup was disgusting. But I was intregued, so I bought one anyway. So, so, so glad I let my curiousity get the best of me!I will NEVER again go back to ANYTHING other than the mooncup! Pads are gross, stinky and messy. Tampons are just as bad as well as uncomfortable! Teh Mooncup is so comfortable that there are times that I forget that I even have my period. With the Mooncup, I can get back to my life without having to worry about leaks and smells and if someone is going to see my dirty tampon or pad in the garbage.
I can’t speak highly enough of the Mooncup. I just wish it was more advertised so I would have been able to get back to normal life earlier!

Des – 23rd October 2011

I just wanted to say how much I love my Mooncup. Seriously. I’m so enthusiastic about it. It’s probably my best purchase. Ever. I honestly don’t know how I coped with periods beforehand!It’s more cost effective, it’s better for the environment & it lasts far longer than tampons/pads! I’ve been having terribly heavy periods recently, I think I would have been cowering in a corner at home without my Mooncup!

I really think every woman should have a Mooncup!

April – 18th October 2011

I started using the Mooncup last month after over a year of deliberation about whether to use it, now I wish I’d just got on with it and taken the plunge when I first heard about it at Glastonbury Festival. It’s just the best invention EVER.After a tricky start, I wasn’t convinced it would be completely leak free, I was paranoid and still used a towel as well, just in case, but totally unnecessary now, I’ve got the hang of getting it in and out, with hardly any mess at all, and it’s only my second month using it.
I just wish I’d known about it years ago, not only does it save money but it reduces the impact on the environment too. Brilliant.

Helen – 17th October 2011

I am converted and don’t know what has taken me so long!
Having worn towels for over twenty years and finding tampons uncomfortable with dryness I cannot thank the people who came up with the Mooncup enough.

It took a while for me to take the plunge, as once out of the packaging my first thought was ‘surely not!’ but was suprised by how easy this was to use (thanks for the easy to use guide too).

So I can put the old bigger knickers to the back of the drawer and dispense with the bottom shelf of sanitary pads in the bathroom, no more ensuring there are enough in handbag either!

This is by far the most comfortable I have ever been, and that’s quite an acheivement for over twenty years.

Sincere thanks again and I urge others to take the plunge as I did. Periods are no longer an issue.

Debbie – 16th October 2011

I love, love, LOVE mooncup! Wahooo! What a fantastic and useful little thing 🙂 I hated my periods and always worried about leaking and constantly running to the loo…..not any more though! Once my moncup is in, that’s it! Worries are over and I actually forget I’m on my period! I definitely could NOT say that for any other menstrual product. I recommend Mooncup to everyone! It took a little getting used to when I first used it but practice definitely makes perfect 🙂 thank you so much!

Laura – 13 October 2011

I’ve been using the Mooncup for about 4 years now and really wish I’d discovered it much earlier!I admit I was a little sceptical at first because I do have heavy periods and was afraid of leakage problems.
However, all my fears were laid to rest straight away. I found the Mooncup really easy to insert and extremely comfortable. It is so easy to forget that it’s there atall. Infact, as one lady has already mentioned, you have to keep reminding yourself to go to the loo and empty it!
The only small problem I’ve encountered is at night when I have leaked a little a couple of times, but that’s due to sleeping too long between empties, and not any fault of the Mooncup itself. i simply use washable cotton pads as extra protection and problem solved! When I used tampons I was plagued with recurrent bouts of thrush due to dryness, but since I’ve been using my Mooncup I’ve had no thrush atall. It’s been marvellous!
So all in all, I can’t recomend the Mooncup highly enough. With all the advantages, plus it being better for the environment, I would NEVER EVER go back to tampons if you paid me!
I’ve got two Mooncups, one to keep at home and one that I carry around in my handbag. The little cotton bag that the Mooncup is kept in is pretty and descreet, and it’s far easier than carrying a bulky box of tampons around with you.
Get one now – you will not be disappointed!

Catherine – 09 October 2011

I love my Mooncup! I highly recommend it (and do to friends regularly). After getting used to it using other sanitary products become frustrating in comparison. I do find that in the first couple of days my flow is pretty heavy and so I do wear a liner or pad, but I think my periods are heavier than average. Give it a go!

Indy – 03 October 2011

I have suffered from an extremely heavy menstrual flow, so that the idea of a day out with the girls, or hiking with my boyfriend always left that fear of not being near a bathroom when my sanitation products eventually began to leak (sometimes within 2 hours). I tried the moon cup on a day I knew I´d be home all day, so that when it started to leak I´d be able to change quicky.
I shouldn´t have worried. It is AMAZING. I never have leakage problems, like I would have with tampons, and even in the morning, I can make a cup of tea and go back to bed without having to first run to the bathroom.
It is definitely worth trying, and is environmentally friendly to boot! Thanks mooncup! 😀

Elouise – 30 September 2011

I bought mooncup after reading about them on a forum where I had ranted about tampons and pads being so gross. Someone suggested it and I was a little iffy but I figured if I can use nuvaring birth control I can use this! I got it and waited for my period to show and when it finally did I had forgotten I had the mooncup and I looked in the medicine cabinet. No freakin tampons but there right next to my empty tampax box was that little cotton bag. Holy hallelujah talk about a life saver! I have never felt so clean and free while having my period.
I was lucky and got the hang of it right away and I’ve loved it since! I really wish more women knew about this. I have a daughter and she will NEVER have to use a disgusting pad or tampon if I have anything to do with it!

Lizbeth W. – 25 September 2011

I have been using Mooncup for around a year now, and it is amazing!! I was absolutely terrified at first, worrying about hygiene, ease of inserting it, and the taboo nature of it. I found advertising of it on a liberal friend of mine’s Twitter account, and boy am I glad I saw it! Hygiene isn’t to be worried about as it is easily cleaned, and because it is seethrough you can easily tell if it is dirty. Once you get used to it, it’s fine to use, and easy to insert, you soon become a pro! And as for it being taboo, I am now working against that, having become an affiliate, and ordering lots of information to give to my work colleagues. Thankyou Mooncup, you are amazing!

Lauren – 18 September 2011

Thank you for inventing the Mooncup! Searching for a tampon alternative to deal with perimenopausal dryness and extreme menstrual cramps, the Mooncup is a welcome relief. Cramps are radically diminished and everything is neat and clean. Plus, using this device helps the environment. Who could ask for anything more!I HIGHLY recommend this to all women!

Karen – 15 September 2011

I for one hate to see the sight of blood and the messy wet feeling you get from a sanitary pad. While living in the UK I was introduced to the mooncup and havent looked back since. The mooncup is so comfortable sometimes I forget I have it in. I don’t get any leaks and during working hours I dont have to keep checking because it holds so much. It’s safer than anything on the market and saves me money every month. I would recommed this to anyone. It’s ashame it doesn’t sell in the Caribbean because all my family and friends wants one now!

TriniKrissy – 13 September 2011

Just purchased my first moon cup after years of debating. It was a bit tricky at first but after perservering the results are amazing! I had surgery a few years ago and as a result was finding it increasingly difficult to use tampons due to pain and dryness. but the mooncup has resolved all my issues no more thrush, no more dryness, so comfortable you dont know your wearing it and i know im doing my part for the environment! Im spreading the word fast Mooncup is a goddess in a cup.

Ash – 12 September 2011

Why wouldn’t you use this? Its cheaper, its more comfortable, its better for the environment, it stops all those horrid period pains, and it feels right. If you’re at all unsure do yourself a favour and try it. Probably two months to be sure, but I think you’ll love it after the first day of wearing it. And if you’re worried about getting it out don’t be, just relax and you’ll be fine. Honestly, anyone not using a mooncup is missing out on something amazing.

Trish – 11 September 2011

I am 15 and just got into year 11 at school. I have always been curious about finding new and improved menstrual products so went out to buy a mooncup after reading such good reviews. On the day of purchase I attempted to insert it using both folds and found myself giving up. I was sure that it would never work for me so I emailed the Mooncup FAQ email and immediately got a response. From then on I could gradually insert more and finally it was in! Today I am on the second day of my first period with the mooncup and it is really good. My favourite part is that I can sleep in it. I am still finding removal a bit difficult because the suction is very strong but I’m sure it will come to me. I wish my mum had known about mooncup because she has really heavy periods and only uses sanitary towels but she is 51 and they will stop soon. I would also love to tell my friends but they would probably think it’s disgusting to put a cup in your vagina. Maybe in the future. I also love the fact that I don’t need to carry around any tampons so when boys look through your bag there is no embarrassment. Thank you Mooncup. P.S; sorry it’s soo long.

Maeve – 10 September 2011

I recently graduated from university where, living in a women’s college as I did, I used to see little stickers and flyers about the place occasionally recommending the Mooncup. I never paid particular attention to them.
However, about six months ago, something I’ve now forgotten reminded me of those little stickers, and it occurred to me that I might as well give it a try. I spent a little time on the website looking up whether it would be suitable for me (I have extremely heavy periods, severe cramps, and use an IUD), concluded that it probably was, and ordered one.

I will never go back. My Mooncup has made my life so much easier, and so much more pleasant. No leaking, no fuss, no discomfort. Although I would never have believed that it could happen, even my previously-crippling period pains have become much more bearable. It’s comfortable and hygenic. I didn’t even have any problems with using it during a festival. I couldn’t be happier or recommend it more highly.

Jay – 09 September 2011

I just stopped the Depo shot and after not having a period for about 5+ years and started having my period again, I dug out my remaing stock of girly supplies. Hate tampons, panty liners, all of it (and not to mention how stinky things get in the summer months). So I decided to look online for an alternative. Found the MCUK and can’t be more excited. And what are the odds that the day my next period started my MCUK arrived in the mail! I immediately cut the stem off, folded, and insterted the cup, first try no problems, first removal no problems. If you are comfortable with your own body, PLEASE GET A MCUK , you will NEVER go back to uncomfortable drying tampons. I plan on getting all of my sisters MCUKs for Christmas! They will probably think I’m nuts, but they will love me for it! *So fresh and so clean!* That’s the only song I sang all day the first time I used my MCUK!

DJ – 09 September 2011

Liberta !! Segundo dia de uso e ja estou confortalvel e completamente apaixonada. Eu comprei pra ajudar o planeta mas eu fui a mais beneficiada !! Eu achei a solução definitiva para o caos que é menstruar ! E eu nao vou ter NUNCA MAIS …
cheiros (dez horas inexperadas de trabalho consecutivo num pais tropical – acontece)

comprar varios tipos de absorventes mais tampoes fazendo uma logistica de qual vou necessitar usar e ter comigo na minha bolsa, que tbm inclue uma calcinha limpa (eu sempre comprei lingerris pretas e largas pra essa epoca mas agora posso usar lingerris legais)

desespero de ver que eu menstruei e nao tenho material a mao

evitar esportes ou atividades ao ar livre (agora eu posso ‘carpe diem’)

as varias checadas durante o dia para conferir se há vazamento

banhos extras (e nunca mais vou ter vazamentos inesperados que me farao ter que voltar pra casa pra um banho)

esfregar minhas calcinhas para corrigir o estrado e nao ter minha pele irritada pelos absorventes

ter que ficar acordando pra checar se ta tudo bem e descobrir que eu tenho que tomar banho sim e ainda trocar minha roupa de cama (agora eu durmo sem lingerri e mantenho esse cuidado especial com minha higiene ainda que menstruada)

preocupações se a absorvente ta marcando sobre a roupa ou fio do tampao aparecendo por fora do bikine

deixar absorventes/tampoes no lixinho ao usar banheiro na casa de amigos ! Que é nojento !

nunca mais restringir minha agenda !! Nunca mais me sentir de quarentena !!

nunca mais me sentir suja !

Me custou R$100.00 reais ! Mas eu pagaria tres vezes mais caso fosse preciso. Foi a melhor compra que fiz na minha vida. Nunca me sentir tao higienica e capaz de fazer tudo. Quero fazer uma reuniao com amigas pra contar isso pra elas. Porque eu ficaria muuito muuito grata se tivesse conhecido Mooncup antes !

Daniela, Brasil – 09 September 2011

I have had heavy peroids for over 10 years and always found tampons and towels inconvenient and messy. Then I discovered the mooncup! I am able to go swimming during my cycle and not have to worry about changing my sanitary protection so frequently. I leave my mooncup in place for up to 8 hours and am always assured of its protection. I have now had the Marina Coil fitted to reduce menstrual flow but I still use my mooncup which is fine with a lighter flow. I’m still trying to convince other women to switch!!

Stephanie – 06 September 2011

After years of dithering, I finally decided to try this product because my preferred tampon brand is no longer available for sale in my country. I joked to my husband this morning that I was taking it on a dry run … which, because of my irregular cycle, turned out to not be quite so “dry”! 😉
This. Product. Works.


Un grand “Merci” à toute l’équipe de Mooncup!

Adrienne – 06 September 2011

I suffer from prolonged periods (longest being 12 weeks!) and had been using towels as tampons give me stomach ache. I hated the feeling of using towels, the smell, itchyness etc so I came across the mooncup thanks to the wonders of google. Cant believe i have never heard of this product before! First time using was very daunting but once i got over the initial sqeamishness of it all, it has made the whole period experience much more bareable. No more worries of leaking, no paranoia of smelling or tummy pains from using tampons.Think companies like mooncup need to do more advertising to get the word out there for other girls

suzy – 04 September 2011

It’s my first day using the mooncup and I am already very very impressed. I am a lifeguard and avid swimmer and every month I avoided swimming like the plague so as to avoid embarrassing leakages that I get with tampons. It’s mortifying. Now though I cannot wait to get in the pool and roadtest this baby! I thought it would be harder to insert but after years of tampons it’s pretty easy. Amazing.Thank you mooncup, you’re a lifesaver

Megan – 02 September 2011

Since I had a big baby, I figured I would need the larger size, but after a year of not getting the same results as others on here I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try the smaller cup, well, that’d it, I’m comfy, clean and totally forget about periods now! I don’t have to rush out of bed in the morning or plan my day around toilet breaks, its just great.

Julie – 29 August 2011

Ever since starting my period at a young age of 10, they have been an awful and painful experience for me.I started with pads, which I hated – and then at about 12/13 I tried tampons, which at the time seemed a godsent at the time! However, my periods got worse and they were out of control, until a couple of months ago at the age of 17, I came across Mooncup – I was slightly hesitant at first but then I purchased one.
After a little getting used to, I can honestly say it has been the best sanitary purchase I have ever made and only wish I had heard of it sooner, I feel cleaner and fresher each and everyday and Mooncup has made my life much much easier as a young woman!
I can only give a big THANKYOU to the ease it has put me at! A truly amazing product that is worth investing in.

Nicole – 29 August 2011

I have been using my moon cup for about 7 years and i absolutely love it. my periods are less painful and i have never had a leak to this day. i have spread the word like mad and converted some sceptical friends who are also really pleased. This thing has revolutionised my period. thanks

hannah – 25 August 2011

the best purchase made!like anything takes time to get use to it but i love it!periods don’t even feel like they exist anymore!heaven!lease try it..you don’t realize what your missing out on!

sally – 24 August 2011

I got my mooncup 4 months ago and I admit the first time I tried to use it, it was an epic fail. I thought I was going to lose it inside and I freaked out completely and didn’t use it for a couple months. Then I thought I should give it another go because a some friends use it and they were just raving about it. I realised that the reason I had so many difficulties removing it when I first tried it is because I freaked out and got all tensed up. When I tried it again I tried desperately to relax and it all went very well. I have been using it for 2 months now and I absolutely love it. Its hassle free, I have no more leakages, I save money on tampons, pads etc.. and its eco friendly. I feel so much better using it now and I feel like I should tell everyone that the initial removal issues shouldn’t deter you, just try again because its completely worth it.

Natasha – 24 August 2011

I wanted to echo others and say thanks so much for creating the mooncup. I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed my life. I live in a country where getting sanitary products is difficult, not to mention expensive. And having always found tampons a little uncomfortable (maybe the dryness they cause) I find the mooncup totally comfortable. It’s easy to use, hygienic and doesn’t smell at all (unlike sanitary pads and tampons). I tell all my female friends about it. Thanks mooncup!

char – 22 August 2011

After seeing an advertisement in The Guardian magazine one Saturday morning over my breakfast, I decided this was something worth looking into. I logged on to the web page and read, and read. Why had I not heard about Mooncup before? My period was not due for a couple of weeks, but I went to Boots and purchased my Mooncup, and waited expectantly to use it. The day of my period arrived, Mooncup inserted (with no problems), I went off on my morning run of 5 mile. No leaks!It’s easy, painless, and you completely forget about it and get on with your life. I wish I had found out about Mooncup ages ago and will be recommending it to all.

Lorraine – 22 August 2011

I have used the mooncup for 2 years now and I can not rave enough about this product. You save money, you can do anything and not worry about changing your tampon. In one year, I saved approximately 200 tampons from landfil and the energy used to produce them. It is brilliant!

Rachel – 18 August 2011

At last – a product which actually DOES make life easier. The Mooncup is such a wonderfully natural product.It works in conjunction with my body. We should be taught about this as soon as we start to menstruate. I discovered the Mooncup 4 years ago and it has made each period much more comfortable. I just wish that I had known about it sooner. I will be telling my daughter about it when the time comes.

Laois Mooncupper – 18 August 2011

Yesterday morning I unexpectedly started my first period in nearly five years.Yesterday afternoon I bought a Mooncup.
This morning I had forgotten I was having a period at all…

After enjoying being period-free over several years of pregnancy / breastfeeding I was dreading going back to stuffing myself with cotton once a month.
I have a light flow and even the smallest tampons leave me dry, uncomfortable and, more often than not, with thrush, but I hate the rustly, smelly, nappy-like nature of pads.

I had heard about mooncups ages and swore I would never buy another box of tampons if I could help it, so yesterday lunchtime I stuck a wad of loo roll in my knickers and hot-footed it to Boots and back.

It was more rigid than I had been expecting and I had a moment or two of discomfort getting it in (Folding Method 2 way superior to Method 1 for me), and another moment or two as I felt it unfold, but once placed I honestly couldn’t feel it at all.

Getting it out required slightly more in the way of gymnastics than a tampon, and another moment of discomfort as the wide rim made its exit (my vulva gets tender during my period), but emptying, rinsing and reinserting was a doddle the second time.

I’m completely sold, and am significantly less cross about the return of my periods than I’d anticipated.

Big thumbs up and a sigh of relief here – thank you!

Bex – 18 August 2011

I decided to try Mooncups after hearing about them on various forums. I have struggled with (and HATED) my heavy periods ever since my teens, had problems with flooding (always having to double up tampons and towels) and always suffer with a sort of nappy rash from having the vile things next to my skin for 6 days every month!!! One of the things I hated most was having to get up (messy) in the night three or four times to change!!
The mooncup is EVERY bit as good as the reviews say and worth every penny it costs!!! I got it in the first time with NO problems using the C fold (there are diagrams of a couple of folds,but if they don’t work for you there are others on the internet, have a google around) and after cutting the stem off completely it was so comfortable I didn’t notice it was there. I didn’t believe what people were saying about their periods being less painful while using the mooncup, but am completely shocked to say that this HAS been my experience and I’ve not managed a whole cycle without painkillers (am currently on my second cycle with mooncup). It is certainly no more difficult and no messier than using tampons, particularly if you have a heavy flow, because it never floods!! I WISH I had tried it sooner and now I have I want to shout from the rooftops about it. If you’re thinking of giving it a go, DO you won’t regret it!!

ShyGirl – 18 August 2011

The only thing I have to say is that I love my mooncup!! I am only 13 and bought my mooncup a few months ago. I have already used it 3 times and having just started yesterday am using it for my 4th time. I have quite heavy periods and I used to find it difficult to cope with at school but now I can forget about it for hours! I also find it much easier to sleep without the horrible damp feeling of pads and the constant worrying that tampons were slowly slipping out 😛 I totally recommend the mooncup to everyone And even though my friends are a bit squeamish I will hopefully convince them to get one soon! THANK YOU MOONCUP!!!!!

Stella – 15 August 2011

Okay so to be honest when I first read about the mooncup I was hesitant. My issue is that I have very sporadic periods, sometimes twice a month and sometimes I won’t have one for two months. It didn’t sound like it was for me but I was so tired of hauling a box of tampons around everywhere I went. Plus, when I would have more than one a month they would be so light for 3 days no tampon worked, and I would end up all dried out. So I finally caved and just started my first period since I got it in. I couldn’t be more satisfied. Works great when I play soccer, works great at night and lasts much longer than tampons WITHOUT drying me out. Amazing product. I never write “product reviews” but this one is well worth it!

Amanda – 15 August 2011

I use a MoonCup every month now. It’s not without mess and sometimes I do fumble it, but it’s vastly preferable to towels, washable or otherwise. It’s something that takes practice, but it’s worth it. It’s tricky if you’re using a loo that doesn’t have the sink right there as I always rinse the cup before putting it back in – a wet cup is an awful lot easier to insert than a dry one, esp if rinsed under warm water. It’s great to know though that you always have your sanpro with you during your period and can’t be caught short, you don’t have to remember to buy towels and I feel much fresher all through my period than I did with towels, even though I used washable ones for years. When I used tampons in my teens and 20s I would shed fibres all month between periods and that really bothered me. My only concern about a mooncup is how a young girl would manage it – I have a daughter who will be facing all this in the nest couple of years and I’m not sure a MoonCup would be right for her.

Heather – 14 August 2011

On hearing of the Mooncup, it sounded appealing as it would not only lessen my impact on the planet, it would have suited my active on-the-go lifestyle, but alas, I’m a chronic procrastinator, so I never got around to buying one.
It was only when I decided to try cycling around the world that I was forced into the purchase, as the availability of my usual protection may sometimes be scarce- (imagine trying to find a tampon in a desert!) plus I didn’t fancy having to carry my waste for miles hunting for a place to dispose of it.

Now how I curse myself for not investing in one sooner! It’s a BRILLIANT little piece of engineering, completely suited to a sporting or travelling lifestyle.

It took a few goes to get the techniques right, but once I could successfully position and remove my new silicone friend, the benefits shone through.

The Mooncup is quick to insert, it’s comfortable(even during exercise), removal mess is minimal and you can simply wipe it clean- which is good news if you’re out in the middle of nowhere with a limited or unclean water supply!

I’m now a year into my bike ride and have appreciated the benefits every single month.

Sarah “Thumper” Jones – 14 August 2011

I got the moon cup around 8 months ago, when I was living in Turkey. The first time I used it, I was already a few glasses of wine down, and managed to manouver it in with absolutely no problem. It felt a little wierd to start, but I think that was my mind, instead of it actually being uncomfortable. Since then I have used it travelling across the middle east, sleeping in the desert, and in other unexpected situations. And every time Ive been glad that I use the moon cup, as it avoids carry many sanitary materials around, it feels very clean to use and its very comfortable. I will never look back now.

Tessie – 12 August 2011

I recently saw Mooncup at my local health store & instantly wanted one! Having purchased my Mooncup, I couldn’t wait to try it out. I’ve always felt uncomfortable with regular sanitary protection -tampons are too dry or messy, pads are smelly and bulky and both damage the environment, so Mooncup is a refreshing change. After following the instructions provided the cup was relitavley easy to insert and fairly comfortable. After a while I forgot it was in and I didn’t have that “OMG I’m on my period” feeling. Taking it out was slightly trickier but once I got the hang of it, it was easy. And after my first run through I can’t believe how well it has worked. I expected leaking & and maybe a bit of discomfort but experience neither of these.
Overall I love how convenient, mess free and liberating it is to use Mooncup. I am certainly never going back to pads again!

Rachel – 09 August 2011

I bought one of these about three months ago after reading about them on a blog. I didn’t really think it would work but its fantastic. Hygenic and safe to use and it doesn’t leak at all. I have been telling all my female friends about it. If in doubt try it out is my message – the testimonials speak for themselves – a marvellous invention. Just ordered another one for a spare!

Jane – 08 August 2011

I have always struggled to cope with my periods, I Never know when they come and they are always painful and extremly heavy!
I read about the mooncup a while ago and was not sure this would actually work, after a very trying time with waiting for my period and getting very stressed over it my boss bought me one she swore by it.

I am now on my second period and I am glad I took the challenge.
I always had to wear a super towel, and a super tampon and put a towel on the bed at night as I always leaked.

I am wearing a towel still as not sure if this will leak as I seem to be losing a cup amount every 6-8hrs but so far no leaks.

I am amazed at how much blood I was losing and yes its a bit messy but nothing soap and water wont clean off.

I have had no back pain or heavyness/pulling in my stomach.
Its easy to insert, easy to remove, money saver and eco friendly. 🙂

I feel more confortable with my periods then I have done in years.

I even wanted to doctors to take it all away so I Never have them anymore but that is now not an option.

Thank you to the guys who designed this product, just amazing and I wont be going back to tampons and towels!

Nikki – 07 August 2011

A friend send me a link for Mooncup and I was intrigued immediately. I always suffered quite badly with irritation and soreness when using tampons and pads so I was eager to try something all natural and, even better, reusable and friendly to the environment! Also, since having my son, I have very heavy periods and spend a small fortune each month on tampons and towels. From the very first time I used the Mooncup, I was completely sold on it. Once I cut the tail a little bit, it was so comfortable that you wouldn’t even know you were wearing it and, unlike tampons, it doesn’t leak or move about so no more “big knicker” days for me!! I just generally felt cleaner and so much happier and confident about myself from the very first use of the mooncup, I’m a convert and I will NEVER go back to using conventional tampons or towels again!!

Chyrelle – 05 August 2011

I had heard about the Mooncup and then met two women who used it and raved about it, so decided to give it a go.
I have saved a FORTUNE on sanitary products (I reckon over £70 a year as I have very very heavy periods).

I am also helping to save the planet.

Best of all (and I don’t know why but who cares?!) it has considerably reduced my experience of cramping and pain. Sometimes this was so bad I could not go to work the first day of my perios.

Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to but it’s worth it – it’s WONDERFUL! Thank you.

Kate – 05 August 2011

I’ve had my mooncup for about 4 months now and it’s officially the best purchase I have ever made. I really wish I had known about it when I first started my periods it would have saved alot of hassle and alot of worrying. I hated being on my period, I would avoid doing anything remotely active and just try and avoid going anywhere but now with my mooncup life is soooo much easier. I really wish I had known about it sooner. I know it doesn’t stop me having periods but I feel soooooo much better with the mooncup than I ever did with Tampons or Pads as I don’t have to worry about keeping my bag stocked with them is so much easier to deal with. Took a little practice at first but then what dosen’t? I advise everyone to buy it!

Stacey – 02 August 2011

The best buy ever purchased. Wish I had known about this product decades .ago. No problems in using it from day one. Would recommend this to every woman

emma – 02 August 2011

I don’t usually write testimonials for things but I am so pleased with my mooncup that I felt the need to share!I have only used my mooncup for one period having stumbled across this website on my search for an alternative to tampons and sanitary towels. Everything I read made me feel that these were worth a go. I have to say that could not be happer with my mooncup. I will admit I found it tricky to use to start with and nearly gave up after a particularly tricky removal which left me feeling a little sore. However, I went back to the leaflet and realised what I had done wrong. NOw that I have mastered the technique of getting it in and out correctly and positioned in the right place I am so pleased to have my mooncup in my life!
I will now be telling all of my friends about mooncup and am almost looking forward to my next period. I don’t have to worry about carrying tampons around (and having them fly out of my bag at the worst moments), I will not be contributing to landfill and I feel confident in swimming with the mooncup (which I never did with tampons!)
Keep up the good work.

Claire – 31 July 2011

I’ve only been using a mooncup for two days and already I love it. It feels so good to know that it’s not leaving fibres inside my vagina, it’s so comfortable and has greatly reduced my period pains – actually I haven’t had any. Also I like having the contact with my body.

Kate – 30 July 2011

I’ve only just bought my moon cup but wanted to share how fantastic it is with other women as I wish I’d started using it sooner. I put it in for the first time really easily and went straight for a five mile run after, I didn’t feel a thing and it was so comfortable.
It’s great when going to the toilet as well as no annoying string dangling down getting in the way. So economical and good for the environment too, if you’re thinking about getting one just do it, it’ll be one of the best decisions you make.

Rachel – 22 July 2011

The MCUK is simply amazing. I have told my friends all about it. I still have not gotten quite used to wearing it yet as far as placement, but I have always had a very heavy period (I am 20 years old) and I would often soak through regular absorbency tampons quickly and always wear a large pad for backup. I’ve had several embarrassing leaking through my clothes moments especially in my younger years. I am usually very paranoid that I will leak through my clothes but just using the MCUK I have less leaks! Hopefully when I get the placement right I will have none. Now I am using the product I no longer need the huge pads that often chafe my skin raw and broken. I am currently living with my in laws and there is not a discreet way to dispose of tampons so that is another great advantage to the MCUK. I would rather not have everyone in my household know when I am menstruating lol. Thanks MCUK.

Rachel – 21 July 2011

The mooncup is amazing! I found it whilst researching what to do monthly whilst travelling….and i found the answer!!It was a little tricky at first but it is so easy to get the hang of and i will not or would not go back!! I was really worried about leaking but i havent had a problem at all!!
Im glad i found it at 21 🙂

Esther DT – 21 July 2011

I have used this for the past three cycles and wonder why i hadn’t tried this years ago. I have a light flow and often the tampon would be almost dry when having to pull out after 8 hours ‘ouch’. This would cause me discomfort, but using towels was not for me either. After getting the knack of inserting the mooncup, which is quite simple, i’ve found it doesn’t leave me dry, i don’t have to worry about removing it within 8 hours and i don’t have to worry about disposing of sanitary products around other peoples houses. I was worried about it leaking down the sides but the suction prevents that and i’ve never had any problems. I also sleep with it, where as i used to use a towel at night in case i went over the 8 hours. Although many turn their noses up at reusable sanitary protection, i think its the most healthy, clean, economical option. Very happy with my purchase.

Beckie – 20 July 2011

I just got my mooncup last week and am using it for the first time now. It is amazing! It is so comfortable, I don’t even know it is there, and for the first time in forever I actually feel clean and fresh while having my period. I had a couple of practice runs inserting it before I got my period, and found it really easy right from the start. I’m going away next month and my period is due during my break, now I don’t have to worry about packing a load of expensive sanitary products, and remembering to carry a supply everywhere I go. I’m not worrying about embarrassing leaks, I’m not having to walk around with something that feels like a nappy in my pants, I’ve got none of the nasty drying sensation that comes with a tampon, and (I appreciate this might sound a bit icky) I’m finding it pretty fascinating to actually see exactly what is coming out of my body! Thank you Mooncup, you are fantastic!!

Vicki – 16 July 2011

I decided to try using a Mooncup about a year ago now. At first I found the whole thing rather stressful! It’s a little difficult to get used to. But now I can’t imagine using anything else. It makes my period so much easier, plus cheaper! I recommend it to everyone I can!

Alex – 15 July 2011

I 1st saw an advertisement for mooncup in some public loo’s a few years back, i looked it up and thought “vile”. Recently though I’ve become fed up of very heavy bleeds the 1st 2 days, to the point i don’t leave the house. Even with a super plus tampon (best brand as far as I’m concerned) i still get leaks. I read leaks with the mooncup are not so common so thought £22 is a LOT but may be worth it. The hygiene and environmental side did not even come into it for me (maybe it should) My main concern is LEAKS. Well it’s only day 1, I’m only 7 hours in but so far NO leaks at all. I have emptied twice in those 7 hours but that’s just me being curious. If I’d used a tampon I’d have had to change my knickers at least twice because of leaks. Even having a wee and wiping there is no hint of any blood roaming free. Hubby is not impressed with my recent updates but he’s male so does not matter. With Tampons i find I’m constantly on edge i worry I’ll leak, up to now I’ve not had any leaky type feelings. For those who think the empty and cleaning of the mooncup is a bit gross well it’s far less yukky than suddenly feeling soggy wet when walking round Tesco. For me the biggest attraction of mooncup is the fact it does not leak, the big test will be overnight but even this early on I’m confident Mooncup will keep me clean through sleep time. Inserting it the 1st time was a little fiddly, and removing it the 1st time took a while but still far easier than i imagined. I think I’ve been converted although i will probably keep a couple of tampons in my bag for emergencies so i don’t need to have my mooncup in my bag at all times, but i really can see the mooncup being my preferred method. Leak protection alone is enough reason to switch to mooncup.

FEZZ – 12 July 2011

I first heard about the Mooncup through a sticker a saw in a ladies loo while at uni! It has taken me 3 years to finally buy one and I wish now I had taken the leap of faith when I was a student because I love it!
I only have withdrawl bleeds from taking the pill, so my period is incredibly light, and I found tampons quite difficlt to use but hated pads. I love that you can use the mooncup wet, it makes the experience so much more comfortable for me. Also, the cramps I got while using tampons has completely gone! My first EVER, pain free period! Another note, is that I feel so much cleaner throughout the process, and the ‘smell’ you often have during your period has completely gone!

I am still finding it a little messy as I get use to the cup but I feel so much more in tune with my body! I throughly recommend to all my friends and family!

Cara – 11 July 2011

I have loved and used Mooncup for over 5 years now!! I have saved sooooo much money and it is just so much easier and more comfortable. It took me a few cycles to have 100% success with it, but after this many years I would never use anything else.

Jennifer – 09 July 2011

I’ve been using the Mooncup for a year now and will never look back. I’d heard of it several years ago and to be honest the thought grossed me out, but I decided to give it a go whilst travelling as I didn’t want to pollute the environment with sanitary waste. It took me a few cycles to get used to it but I couldn’t live without it now! It’s clean, comfortable, good for the environment and saves money. I could swear it helps with the pain too although I don’t know how! I’ve already converted one friend to use the Mooncup and I plan to convert more. I’d strongly recommend anyone to try it. Thanks for such a fantastic product!

Lauren – 08 July 2011

I have been using my mooncup for 6 months now & I love it! It’s environmentally friendly & I don’t have to spend lots of money on tampons which I am now convinced contributed to me getting thrush a few times a year.I first heard about mooncups about 3 years ago but I thought they sounded a bit “ickey” and for hippy types, but I could not have been more wrong.

Heather – 07 July 2011

I have been using a mooncup for the last 6 years – the best thing I have ever bought! It took a little getting used to, but I have never looked back! I prefer the stem cut off completely. I can swim with confidence, I feel cleaner, happier on heavy days, it is all round more convenient than other sanitary protection, and cheaper too. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the mooncup.

Sue – 06 July 2011

I’ve had my Mooncup since 2003 and I wouldn’t be without it. Not only can you carry it around more discreetly than tampons or towels, not only is it better for the environment, not only is it even better for your purse, but it stops thrush in its tracks. I love it, and have recommended it to countless friends. And yes, ladies, once you get the hang of it, it’s not even messy. Trust me on this one.

Moon Mummy – 06 July 2011

Since undergoing a loop diathermy treatment on my cervix 2 years ago I have had some “issues” with sticking things into my vagina. I eventually relented last year on holiday, but found to my dismay that tampax no longer worked for me. Not only were they drying me out, but they didn’t seem to sit right anymore therefore leakages were inevitable. I was not looking forward to this years holiday at all, especially as I always seem to come on when I travel. But last month my menstrual problems were solved! I was a little nervous so decided to practice putting my mooncup before I started, just for positioning. I put it in before my bath and was happy at how easily it went into the right position immediately. After my bath I removed it but to my surprise I had come on. My actual period symptoms were exactly the same as every month…back ache, womb ache etc, but my period was shortened by 2 days. The husband thinks it’s due to the amazing power of mooncup, and I am inclined to agree. This is a fantastic product, and has relieved stress for me as I can now wear my normal clothes when on. I experienced minimal leakage if any, and am now reassured that I bleed a normal amount. All in all I wish I had found this product 15 years ago, as I will njow never go back to towels or tampax.
Some women seem to have a problem initially, but I am pleased to report that it is not compulsary, my first time was quick, easy and painless. Whilst it may seem ‘gruesome’ to some I am personally reassured that there is nothing unatural happening. For the first time I am now embracing my menstrual period, as it is not the issue it once was.
Thanks so much to Mooncup, I couldn’t live without it now!

Mel – 04 July 2011

OMG – I must firstly say that reading about this item I did think it would be fiddly/messy/gory, and for someone who doesn’t like anything like this I was very very wary of trying it out BUT, having started to have heavy periods (due to age) and working in a male dominated office, having to frequently change other sanitary products, embarrassing leaking etc, I decided I had absolutely nothing to lose and gave Mooncup a go.From my experience I think you need time to practice inserting and then trim the stalk ( you will know have far to trim as is does rub the skin if sticking too far down) First time I used it I was in the shower and I felt this was ideal. Removing I found easier than expected and the sight of blood really didn’t bother me as I thought it would. I also found it much more comfortable than tampons as they used to – or seemed to – put pressure on my lower back and give me awful pain and for the first couple of days I had to tentatively sit down, but not with the Mooncup you cannot feel it is there. I did have slight leakage problems at first but this was due to not having got it sealed correctly in place, again with practice this becomes much easier.
All in all a fantastic product which I think all women should be told about and give it a go. Perhaps the company should do a MASSIVE advertising feature as I only found out about it by browsing through Boots website one day.

Gayle – 02 July 2011

I had never heard of the mooncup until I got a job working at a local organics store. I thought it seemed like a great idea and all the other staff used them, so I bought one. Like most ladies, I got it home and couldnt believe the size of it…it seemed HUGE! However, I gave it a go. Insertion was easy but removal was terrible. I spent 20 minutes sitting in the washroom at home worried it was never going to come out! Once I finally got there, I decided tghe Mooncup wasnt for me. It sat in my cupboard for a year before a friend of mine mentioned that she uses one and said I should give it another go. So I did and wow, I am so pleased. Her trick was that when you are trying to remove it, arch your back a bit and it will help break the air seal and come out more easily. This works amazingly. I have now been using it for two years and only use tampons when I feel like a bit of a change up (as the mooncup is quite big, its often nice to use a tampon once every few months). I am now about to do my first 4 day hike and I just know my mooncup is going to make the whole experience more enjoyable. NO ONE wants to carry used tampons with them for 4 days!!!

Lady – 28 June 2011

I decided to try a mooncup for two reasons, the first completely selfish one being that after having my first baby a few months ago I found tampons more uncomfotable than then they had previously been (no idea what caused this as I ended up with an emergency c section but there you go!)The second was that I made the decision to use cloth nappies for my baby and the first time my period arrived I thought, I’m not throwing disposable nappies in the bin but I’m still throwing tampon wrappers and applicators away. I’m no tree hugger but that seems wrong even to me! lol
To be honest it’s actually Tampax you have to thank as although I am by no mean an environmentalist or even particulaly involved in saving the plant to any degree (sorry!) since they brought out their ‘Pearl’ it has really annoyed me that paper wrappers and cardboard applicators have both been replaced with non flushable and non biodegradable plastic with no one appearing to care!

Anyhow, long story short, used it for the first time this month and am beyond impresed. As many have said before me, a little tricky to get in and out the first couple of times but SO comfortable once in that you really do forget it’s there and I LOVE that you only need to change it every 8 hours as opposed to the 2-3 hours I used to get with a tampon. Wish I’d descovered it years ago.

I personally think you need more photos of happy looking ladies riding bikes and rollerskating on your webpages – you have more right to those images than any other sanitary product manufacturer!!!

Becky – 22 June 2011

Just bought it today c/o I have an exam on Wesnesday and I can’t cope with the will I mess myself Or not stress . So far I have been wear ing it for a couple of hours . Washed it out and easy to put back In . Still a bit anxious so wearing a pad as well ….. I get very heavy periods so I was worried it’d leak …. Fed up of waking up to the Japanese flag . Would recommend it … I will comment again later. A bit pricey though…. I get why but I was thinking this would be great for disadvantaged woman back in Africa where i am from … Some women just stay at home indoors during their periods because they cannot afford pads and the pieces of cloth they use are not that reliable ESP if u have a heavy flow…… Hopefully over time they might get cheaper.

Charity – 14 June 2011

I have used the Mooncup for 4 years now, just think of how much money I have saved! It was a bit scary for the first few attempts but I’m so pleased I carried on and now I think I’d be more scared of a tampon. I also like the way there is no waste at all, so it’s loads better for the environment. I have told all my girlfriends about it!

Anne – 13 June 2011

I’m basicaly the type of person with amug for hot take away drinks and one for cold etc, so the mooncup is fantastic for me. Aiming not to use the rubbish bin at all soon. Some of my friends got mooncups for Xmas.

C.A. – 12 June 2011

Back in 2000 I was working for Scottish Water on a campaign to make people think before they flush sanitary items down the toilet. A visit to the waste water treatment works made me realise how many tonnes of sanitary waste were being flushed, and ending out at sea – I thought there must be a better way to deal with our monthly challenge. So I was really pleased to discover the mooncup and have been shouting about it to anyone who will listen ever since. I actually don’t understand why anyone would want to use pads or tampons ever again. It is the best invention ever, so easy to use (once you get over the thought) and it saves me money! Not to mention the fact that I don’t have to worry about creating extra waste which goes to landfill!

Suzanne – 06 June 2011

In december I opted for the implant as my choice of contraceptive. This caused ongoing bleeding.. which after six months and numerous medication is still perisitant. I had ended up using tampons more than i would have liked, up until then i had never noticed what an effect tampons have on the internal balance of your body. Sex was horrendous as i felt dry and uncomfortable as the tampons seemed to absorb all of my fluids and natural lubrication. I bought the mooncup on a desperate whim, and oh my god, so easy, so comfortable and my body does what it’s supposed to. Never going back to tampons, never ever. I’ll tell anyone who listens about the mooncup

Shelley – 06 June 2011

I have just finished my 3rd cycle using Mooncup. I could have wrote a testimonial after 3 days but I wanted to wait!
This little cup is simply amazing. I no longer feel gross for 1 week of the month. Waking up in a mess, wearing 2 pads at a time, smelly tampons, bags overflowing with sanitry protection and the crippling camps that would take my breath away. That’s what my periods were like.

Now I’m not going to lie and say they are now and enjoyable experience but they’re not far of it! I can sleep knowing I won’t make a mess of the bed. I’ve even worn WHITE TROUSERS!!! Something the tampon adverts told me years ago I would do through my period but I’d never felt confident enough!

I travelled halfway across the world, spending 18 hours on a plane and barely thought about my period. It was easy. I’ve just came back from a weekend camping with the most basic of amenities – again, dead easy!

I first read about Mooncup about 5 years ago and scoffed at the idea. I then forgot about it until seeing signs in a toilet. I spoke to people on forums, read testimonals and eventually purchased one. I wish I’d done it 5 years ago.

Heather – 05 June 2011

I started using the mooncup because I believed there must have been an eco-friendly, re-usable, safe and practical alternative to tampons which I found unpredictable and such a hassle. The first few months with the new cup were fiddly, messy and frustrating and I even resorted to using tampons a lot of the time but eventually I mastered mess-free insertion and removal and I love, love, love my mooncup. I am only 16 and so glad I discovered the mooncup and converted to it instead of making do with tampons for the next 30 years! If you can get over the eww-factor, please give it a go – you’ll be amazed at the difference!

Isabel – 01 June 2011

Just started using yesterday evening. The friend who got one also at the same time I did just asked me if I had trouble with it? For me it wasn’t the putting in, but the first getting out. Laughable, actually, like something out of a Katherine Heigl comedy. After wondering if I were going to have to have it professionally extracted, I pulled the instructions out and read again, and then had easier time, and have not had problems since.
Love, love, love not having to have anything WITH me, love its being secure, love its logical design (GAAHH!!! Who was the sadist that designed TAMPONS??!), love not having to store millions of pads, pantyliners, and tampons in my tiny closet space, love not contributing to landfills.

I bought mine at the Seattle Green Festival and found myself trying to be “discreet” as I walked away from the booth. If I had it to do over again I wouldn’t try to hide it under my scarf in my tote. I would hold it up in my hand and shout, “All you women who don’t have one of these, you need to go get one NOW!”

Thank you so much for producing these. XO

Sanna – 01 June 2011

I am, amongst other things, a triathlete, which means I spend a LOT of time in the pool, on a bike and running. I never liked tampons – uncomfortable and invasive, but being as active as I am over your period is really tough using pads, they’re unavoidable.
I LOVE my mooncup! It is one of the best investments I have ever made, and I don’t even notice it’s there. I know it won’t leak in the pool, and I don’t feel it even after 3 hours on the bike (everything else hurts mind you!)d.
It is so liberating in lots of ways to be able to be active, comfortably, during my period. Amazing, thank you 🙂

Rita – 29 May 2011

I’ve been using the mooncup for a while now and it really is fantastic. I went hiking in Nepal and the altitude can often mess up your cycle, even if you’re on hormonal contraceptives but the mooncup was great because it goes in really easily when you’ve got a very light period or are just spotting, its reusable so no pesky waste to get rid of on a mountain side, and its so comfortable you literally won’t know its there. It just fantastic. A massive thumbs up from me, I am a total convert 🙂

Jenny – 28 May 2011

I bought a mooncup after a friend ‘shared’ the page on facebook. I have been using it for two months and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. Comfortable, no leaks, and you quickly get better at inserting and removing it comfortably. I have been telling all my pals, and finding lots of them have been using one for years!
Just think… no more feeling minging with sanitary towels, no more tampons exploding in my rucksack when I get caught in a rainstorm and my bag leaks, no more waste in the sea and landfills.

I can’t recommend them highly enough. Buy one. Then spread the word!

Lucy – 27 May 2011

I am in love! It has only been a few days but I can’t even begin to immagine going back to tampons. Yes, it takes a few tries to figure out how to properly insert and remove, but I practiced a few times before hand and I have not had one leak! I have no idea what took me so long to try it. Thank you for such an amazing product!

Lauren – 26 May 2011

I have been using the mooncup for 2 years now and love it! To begin with, it took me until my 3rd month of using it to really use it confidently. But now I understand my body more from using the mooncup and will always use it. I’m still suprised that some women still have never heard about a mooncup, I think every woman should have one and I enjoy spreading the word about it.

Venus – 23 May 2011

A friend told me about it and I was meaning to give it a go, although was put off by it’s ‘hippy’ image i guess, until she said she hadn’t looked back and the thought of using a tampon seemed really unhygienic now, so i gave it a go. Brilliant! Took a month to get used to it. Can’t feel it, never leak, don’t have to worry about carrying stuff, no money on tampons, environmental, less ‘dragging’ period pain, more comfort. Thank you!

clare – 22 May 2011

I have been using the Mooncup for 8 years now, and I LOVE IT. It took me a couple of cycles to get used to it and learn to trust that it won’t leak. But once you get the hang of it, it works brilliantly. In addition to not having to deal with “my period” as often during the day, I like knowing that I am doing something for the environment. And the fact that I save money in the process is a huge bonus. I can’t recommend this product enough. I LOVE IT

Julie – 20 May 2011

I’m just buying my second mooncup after 7 years of use with the first one. I absolutely adore it. I’ve told all my friends now and still talk about it to as many women as i can. It’s comfortable, practical, environmentally friendly, cheap compared to other products, natural. I personally see absolutely nothing to moan about!!! Thanks for having such a vision and market it in the first place knowing that one lasts a few years.

Nadege – 19 May 2011

I highly recommend the Mooncup: comfortable, easy to use and once you start your period it’s always with you (no more forgetting tampons!) I’ve used it now for 10 years and cannot understand why anyone would use anything else. Not to mention the 1000s I’ve saved by not buying disposable sanitary products! Just buy it!

Noreen – 18 May 2011

I’ve been using the mooncup for 6 years now and have never looked back. It took me a little while to adjust the tip/handle to suit, ended up taking it almost completely off but now it’s fantastic.It’s so easy to use, clean and convenient. I can swim with no worries and have never had a leak.

Any women out there who are not sure just go for it, you’ll be pleased you did.

Liz – 18 May 2011

I’m on my second month of using a Mooncup. Gosh, I wish I had one sooner. I suffer from heavy periods, but have always been told it’s normal. I can now measure exactly how heavy I am, and I am very! So I have evidence to go to my GP with now.The Mooncup is brilliant, easy to put in -I had no trouble at all finding where it needed to sit, I feel dry all day, which is lovely, and my underwear no longer scratches me because I’m not having to wear thick pads.
I’ve found that my heavy days need me to empty the cup every couple of hours at the most, but it’s worth it and no different to using the pads.
Those of you doubting whether to try this, give it a go. Periods used to be the bane of my life, now it’s not so bad.

Sabrina – 16 May 2011

I used the mooncup for the first time a few months ago and right from the beginning it was a painfree, practical and much more cost-effective experience. Now I find that it has become part of my normal routine, it has never leaked, never gotten stuck or been difficult to remove; all the aspects I worried about prior to using it. I also found having sex for the first time after my period much more enjoyable as I hadnt been dried up by using tampons for a week! Try it…you wont regret it!

Lizzy – 16 May 2011

5 years ago when I first got my period I hated it with a passion. I always forgot to change tampons and with a heavy period and being still at school this was a complete nightmare. I used to dream about an invention like this and can’t believe I never looked it up, because apparently they’ve existed since the ’30s! Luckily a few months ago I saw an ad for the Mooncup on the back of a public toilet and was just so excited. I ordered one that night and it arrived 2 weeks later (as promised :D).
Now I’ve used it for the first time and it was absolute heaven. I was so excited to use it – the first time I’ve evver looked forward to my period – and it didn’t disappoint. It sure takes a bit of getting used to, but when you use it right it’s fabulous.
The best part about the Mooncup is the time. Even with a heavy period, I don’t have to empty it every time I go to the loo. Only twice a day, once in the morning and then at night in the shower (which lets me rinse and clean it easily).
Also, being very active and going on lots of family camping/hiking trips is so much easier. Imagine trying to carry around used tampons in a plastic bag for 2 weeks! Playing tennis I can have the confidence to wear a white skirt too!
There’s no way you can possibly lose it, and you don’t have to worry about the horror of forgetting to bring tampons out with you for the day.
I love it and think everyone should have one. It’s a great investment too, not having to buy tampons. Plus it’s environmentally friendly!! And better for your body.
I could go on forever but seriously just buy one. Try it! If it leaks don’t worry you probably inserted it wrong and really should persevere in getting it right because when you do it is well worth it.

Buy one!!! Get one for your daughters like me who hate their period!

Fiona – Australia – 13 May 2011

Adding my praise to the chorus. I am on my third day of the mooncup and am already in love! I’ve never enjoyed my moon time like this. I actually look forward to emptying it! Also, I have catamenial epilepsy, and had a seizure a couple of days ago. In the past I’ve woken up to bloody knickers, but not this time! The mooncup even holds up to a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure. There you have it!

Tashi – 11 May 2011

Dear Mooncup – AWESOME (ps: where did the name mooncup come from?)
I have been using the mooncup for almost a year now and absolutely love it. I wish I heard about it years ago. It is easy, cheap and really comfortable to use once you get the hang of it and realise that you can trust it.

I have traveled all over the world and have found it so useful, no concerns about having to find tampons or pads in foreign shops and languages.

I just want to say thank you!!

Helena – 08 May 2011

I am delighted wth my mooncup, having gone through 6 periods with it by now. Thanks, mooncup! I love the monthly boiling ritual and the way I no longer have to worry too much about the Timing of insertion/removal. Tampons were much more restrictive – and truly disgusting. Also, seeing the collected menses is superbly interesting!!! There is no comparison here with conventional “hygiene” products. If you’re undecided – please give it a go!

Lou – 07 May 2011

I have been trying to convince my mum to get me one of these for a while! I told my friends about it and they were all a bit ‘ewww, thats disgusting’, and so was i actually. And after taking a look at it, holy bejeesus i was scared. But i thought ‘let’s give it a go!’ anyway. I’m 13, virgin, never used tampons, and to be honest it hurt quite a bit. I had to trim the stem quite a bit, and it takes a while to get the right position for it, but after all that, it’s completely comfy. You can’t feel it and it doesn’t leak. I’d recommend practicing before you have your period, to make it easier on yourself. But yeah, big thumbs up for Mooncup!

Erin – 07 May 2011